Viperos (c) Viper software By Nils Bordoni Version 1.2 juin 2003 ----------------------------------------------- Installation: -------------- Send slib to main send mouse to main send viperos to calc send extchang to main Don't forget to execute Viperos one time before archiving it ! ----------------------------------------------- Warning: This program don't pass on VTI because of her getconfg() Viperos is a shell written in basic but using an asm librairy. As there was no shell section for basic programs, I put it in asm section. With viperos, you can create your own extensions associations (in file menu), and you can obviously arch move delete copy... Keys are F1 for selecting (menu,folders) and F2 for arch,move... All TiOs icons and ppg,ZIP,cfg,3DX icons are generated by the program. You can add icons but you must edit the program: Press F5 and search "icons". Then add your extension to the string containing the others. Tokenize the program (by executing him) and achive it. Finally, you must create an icon named icoXXXX where XXXX is your extension (1,2,3 or 4 characters). His must be 22*22 or less(same size as TiOs desktop icons on 2.08) The program creates une variable:vosdat.cfg which contain associations. ----------------------------------------------- Few things were changed since version 1.1 : -Error messages changed -Now you can scroll with lift -Some bugs fixed