Remote Control Your TI-89/TI-92/TI-92+ Calcsys!! If you connect your TI-83 Plus and a 68k calc via the link port you can remotely control the 68k calc! Input you give in Calcsys will, be sent to the 68k calc, and any output from the 68k calc will be sent back to Calcsys! Note: -When your 68k calc is in remote mode, it will not respond to any input from its keyboard. To exit from remote mode, you must send a command through the linkport. This is discussed further in this document. (You could also take out the batteries, and then put them back in again, however the first method of exiting remote mode is preferable) ---How to set up your calcs for remote control: --First, put your TI-83 Plus in Link Console mode. You'll probably want to change the display settings so that only the ascii text is displayed, and not the hex values (check calcsys.txt for information on how to use the Link Console). --Next, put your 68k calc in remote mode. There are two ways to do this. The first is manually on the 68k itself, and the other is sending a special command code through the link port via Calcsys. The former is easier to do, but the latter is just cooler =) --Setting your TI-92 or TI-92 Plus into remote mode manually: -Get to the homescreen on your calc -Press F5 (you should now be on the progIO screen) -Press Diamond -Press '(' (The left parenthesis button) (a new screen should appear) -Press 'R' (As in the letter...) -You should now be returned to the homescreen, if so, you are in remote mode! --Setting your TI-89 into remote mode manaully: -Get to the homescreen on your calc -Press F5 (you should now be on the progIO screen) -Press Diamond -Press APPS (you should be on a new screen now) -Press Alpha -Press 'R' (Yes, as in the letter) -You should now be returned to the homescreen, if so, you are in remote mode! --Setting you TI-92 or TI-92 Plus into remote mode via Calcsys: -Make sure you 68k calc is on the homescreen -Enter this string of bytes via the hex byte out function of the Link Console -$09,$87,$10,$01,$09,$87,$28,$20,$09,$87,$72,$00 -Your TI-92(+) should now be on the homescreen and in remote mode! (I don't own a TI-89, so I can't test to see if this works, but my guess would be $09,$87,$10,$01,$09,$87,$09,$21,$09,$87,$72,$00) ---How to get out of remote mode --TI-92 or TI-92 Plus -Send these bytes out through Link Console (you must start from the home screen) -$01,$10,$20,$28,$00,$72 --TI-89 -Send thse bytes out through Link Console (you must start from the home screen) -$01,$10,$21,$09,$00,$72 ---What to do once you are in remote mode --Once you are in remote mode, you can make your 68k calc thinks that a key was pressed by sending the keyvalue for that key through the link port. The value you send must be a word (2 bytes) long. The values for the keycodes can be found in the back of TI-89/92(+) instruction manual, in one of the apendicies. The values given there are in decimal, you'll have to convert them to hexadecimal so that Link Console can input them however. --Finding the hex values for keys and typing them in can be very tedious and boring, so to fix that problem, you can enter in many commonly used key presses without even having to worry about the key values. Each of the following will include two keys you have to press in succesion to send the desired key value out the port. (If it says ON+somekey that means you have to hold on ON key down while pressing the key) -A through Z : 2nd, then the letter (ie. 2nd, A) -0 through 9 : 2nd, then ON+the number (ie. 2nd, ON+3) -Enter : 2nd, then ON+enter -Arrow keys : ON+Alpha, then ON+arrow key -+,-,*,/,^ : 2nd, then ON+operation key -misc keys : 2nd, then one of the top row of keys (ie. 2nd, Y=) -more misc : 2nd, then ON+one of the tope row (ie. 2nd, ON+ZOOM) --You'll notice that when you do an enter command, any output is sent through the link port back to Calcsys, and it will be displayed in the bottom portion of the Link Console screen. -You can do a variety of things in remote mode, from solving math problems that the TI-83 Plus can't do, to using the geometry application, to using basic programs (I haven't tried assembly programs, but I'm going to assume that it wont work :).