Ten Cool Things You Can Do With Calcsys (TCTYCDWC) 1) Enable Lowercase 2) Display Calcsys in Inverted Text 3) Protect or Unprotect a Program 4) Change the Name of a Program 5) Remote Control your TI-89/92/92+ 6) Draw Circles Fast 7) Shift the Screen 8) Chat With Another Calculator 9) Reset Your RAM 10) Play a Guessing Game in Hexadecimal Want to know some stuff that you can actually do with Calcsys? If so, read on. Numbers in parenthesis indicate the key number which cooresponds to an option. Email any questions to: dan@calc.org Thanks for using Calcsys! 1) Enable Lowercase -First, goto the System Flags section of Calcsys -Press Next (6) seven times, so that groups 23-27 are on the screen -Choose group get/send (2) -Press 3 (so that there is a 1 to the right of "lower case") -Lowercase is now enabled (press alpha twice to type in lower case) -You can now type in lowercase in TIOS! 2) Display Calcsys in Inverted Text -First, goto the System Flags section of Calcsys -Press Next (6) once, so that groups 5-9 are on the screen -Choose group text (1) -Press 3 so that a 1 is shown to the right of "textinverse" -Calcsys is now displayed in white on black, instead of black on white! 3) Protect or Unprotect a Program -First, goto the VAT section of Calcsys -Choose the "Prog/List VAT" (1) option -Navigate through the variable lists until your program is on screen -Choose the program you want to protect or unprotect (1-5) -Press Alpha+P -If the program was unprotected, it will now be protected! -If the program was protected, it will now be unprotected! 4) Change the Name of a Program (note: you can not change the length of the name with this method Changing the length of a name is a much more complicated process) -First, goto the VAT section of Calcsys -Choose the "Prog/List VAT" (1) option -Navigate through the variable lists until the program is on screen -Choose the program you want to change the name of (1-5) -Press Alpha+V (You should be taken to the hex editor) -Press left seven times -The first character of the name should now be in the top left of the screen -Press enter to edit the character -Enter in the hex value for the character you want to change it to (note: you can find hex values for characters in the Character Set portion of Calcsys) -Press left again to get to the next character -Continue for all the characters in the name (note: be sure you don't edit more bytes than there are characters in the name) 5) Remote Control your TI-89/92/92+ -Read remote.txt for detailed instructions on how to do this! 6) Draw Circles Fast -Go to the System Flags section of Calcsys -Press Next (6) twelve times, so flag groups 3c through 40 are onscreen -Choose plotflags3 (1) -Press 4, so that there is a 1 to the right of "fastcirc" -Press 2nd+Quit to exit back to the TIOS -Press Graph to goto the graph screen -Press 2nd+Draw to goto the draw menu -Choose Circle (9) -Choose a center point and radius point for you circle with enter -The circle draws in four sections and much faster than normal! 7) Shift the Screen -Goto the Port Monitor section of Calcsys -Choose Monitor (1) -Press right three times and up once -You should be on port 10, aka LCD Instr -Press Mode, and type 48 -Your screen is now shifted 8 pixels up! -You can try other numbers from 40 to 7F to get different shifts. (note: you can return to normal by outputting the value of 40 to port 10, or turning your calculator off and then back on again) 8) Chat With Another Calculator -Goto the Link Console section of Calcsys -Connect your calculator to another TI-83+ running the Link Console (note: you can also chat with a 82/83/85/86/89/92/92+ if it is running some sort of chat or terminal program such as rterm or fterm) -Type as normal -Your input should be displayed on the other persons screen and vice versa! (note: You may have to change the link input display settings slightly use the X,T,(theta),n button and [on]+X,T,(theta),n button to change the settings. Or you could change bits 1 and 2 of asmflags3, which is where the settings are stored) 9) Reset Your RAM -With a low level program like Calcsys, there are numerous ways to reset your RAM (both on purpose and by accident). I've listed a few below: -Output a value of 77 to port 4 -Output a value of 99 to port 6 -Do a "J 0000" in the Console -Do a "X EE" in the Console -There are many more. Have fun trying to find as many as possible! 10) Play a Guessing Game in Hexadecimal (note: This was a previously undocumented secret feature of Calcsys, but I decided to document it because its just so much fun!) -Goto the Console -Type "SMILE" -You have a six tries to guess a number between 0 and 63 (hexadecimal)!