AUTOmatix 3D ================ Version 0.02 Demo CONTENTS ---------- About This Game Compatiblity Controls Planned Features Implementation of the game Frequently Questioned Answers Special Thanks Disclaimer Feedback About This Game ----------------- AUTOmatix 3D is a fast car racing game with a 3D-like perspective. In the current version, the goal is to cross the finish line in the least time possible. The time, in program cycles, will be displayed at the end of the game. If you miss the line, or quit manually, a "Race Over" message will be displayed. There are no other cars yet, and few other objects, but they will be added. However, if you hit the grass area on the left or right side of the road even with only one wheel, you slow down a lot. Compatiblity -------------- Thanks to the great work of Zeljko Juric on his TIGCC Library, this game should work on any calculator with any AMS version; no shell is required. Please tell me immediately if you have a combination that does not work. Controls ---------- In the final version, the keys will be selectable. For now, they are fixed as follows: Key | Meaning ------------------+---------------------------- Left/Right Arrow | Turn left/right 2nd | Accelerate Diamond | Brake Esc | Quit It is easier to steer if you step off the gas during curves. Planned Features ------------------ Don't take this version too seriously; there is a lot more to come. The game will be a real car racing game, with 20 other cars. A multiplayer mode will also be available; either on the same calculator or with a link cable connection (although I'm not sure that's possible speedwise). The final version will also feature a level selection menu for levels that can be created with an external editor. A background image will be shown at the horizon. Tracks will be either round or one long line. You will have two different perspectives; one from inside the car and the current one. There will be a TI-92 Plus version of the game. Controls will be selectable, as mentioned earlier. Highscores for laps will be included in each racing track. Basic sound may be included at a later stage. To sum all this up, when version 1.0 comes out, you should definitely download it again and have a look at it: You will be very pleasantly surprised. Implementation of the game ---------------------------- This game has been programmed in C, using TIGCC by Jean Canazzi, Xavier Vassor, and Niklas Brunlid (and me), TIGCCLIB by Zeljko Juric, and of course the TIGCC IDE, which I programmed myself. Sources to this game are available for public use. The 3D routines I use are the ones used by the game Lotus Turbo Challenge, but I figured them out by myself. They are not at all hard to implement, and offer a good 3D perspective using only horizontal lines (which, too, are relatively easy to program). With a little bit of optimization, these routines should be really fast. If anyone wants an explanation about how these routines work, I'll be glad to offer help. Frequently Questioned Answers ------------------------------- Yes, there are a lot of hills, but only one curve. Yes, you can make that curve. No, you won't see any other cars. Yes, it slows you down a lot if you go off the road. Yes, the time is only a number that doesn't tell you anything. No, there is no intro. Special Thanks ---------------- Special thanks to... - Thomas Nussbaumer, for helping me optimize parts of my code - Jean Canazzi, Xavier Vassor, and Niklas Brunlid, for TIGCC - Zeljko Juric, for TIGCCLIB, and the great documentation for it - Rusty Wagner, for VTI - Everyone who uses this game and finds a bug in it - Everyone who uses this game and enjoys it - Everyone who uses this game and doesn't enjoy it, but still plays it - Anybody I forgot Disclaimer ------------ I cannot be held responsible for anything that happens to your calculator, computer, or other device, even if it results directly from the usage of this game. This game comes with absolutely no warranty, but in the hope that it works and provides an entertaining experience. I am not responsible either for any loss of data resulting from the usage of this game. Feedback ---------- Please send any comments, bug reports, ideas, questions, and whatever else you have on your mind, to Have fun! Sebastian Reichelt