#define NOK -1 #define NB_SPECIAL_CARACTERS 0 #define FONTVAR_VERSION 1 #define STEP_REALLOC 5 #define INISIZE_SCRLINKS_TAB 5 #define MIN_MARGIN 20 #define HEIGHT_NO_PIC 12 #define WIDTH_NO_PIC 39 #define HEIGHT_NO_PPRINT 12 #define WIDTH_NO_PPRINT 39 #define LENGTH_MENU_SEARCH 40 #define PAGE_SCROLL_COMMON_BAND 10 #define SPEED_KEY 50 #define SPEED_SCROLL 2 #define MAXSHORT 0x7FFF #define MINCHAR -0x80 #undef LCD_SIZE #define LCD_SIZE 3840 typedef struct { //initial text unsigned short size_text; const unsigned char * text; unsigned short pos_txt; unsigned short size_objs; //table of hObject unsigned short size_logs; //table of hLog unsigned short size_links; //the position of the bookmarks unsigned short size_bkmks; //the position of the bookmarks unsigned short size_bkmks_level; unsigned short size_text_bkmk; unsigned short nb_bkmks_level; } h_Study; extern short hgetHeightExp(h_Format frt, short y_offset, short font_upperline, short font_underline); extern short hgetHeightSuffix(h_Format frt, short y_offset, short font_upperline, short font_underline); extern short hposTxt2NoObject(unsigned short pos_txt, h_File * hfile); extern short hnoObject2NoScrLine(short no_obj, h_File * hfile); extern short hreadCaract(const unsigned char * text, unsigned short * pos_txt); extern void hdrawCharacter(short height, short decal, unsigned char * sprite, BOOL italic, BOOL bold, h_ScreenMem screen); #ifdef TEST_HIBLIB #define hdrawLine hiblib__1000 void hdrawLine(short no_line, short x, short y, h_ScreenSize scrsize, h_ScreenMem screen, h_File * hfile); #else extern void hdrawLine(short no_line, short x, short y, h_ScreenSize scrsize, h_ScreenMem screen, h_File * hfile); #endif #ifdef TEST_HIBLIB #define hparseHeader hiblib__1003 BOOL hparseHeader(h_File * hfile, h_Study * hstudy); #define hparseBookmark hiblib__1004 BOOL hparseBookmark(h_File * hfile, h_Study * hstudy); #define hparseFrtLine hiblib__1006 BOOL hparseFrtLine(h_FrtLine * current_frtline, h_File * hfile, h_Study * hstudy); #define hparseObjectLine hiblib__1007 BOOL hparseObjectLine(BOOL * is_obj, h_File * hfile, h_Study * hstudy); #define hparseLine hiblib__1008 BOOL hparseLine(h_Format * current_frt, h_File * hfile, h_Study * hstudy); #define hwaitamoment() {unsigned short i,j;for(j=0;j<2000;j++) for(i=0;i<2000;i++);} #endif