;()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ; Analyze Move ;()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ;How the AI analyzes moves: ; start at 32768 (highest number is what we are looking for, and if ;there is a carry from a subtraction that's bad!) ;Values: (NOT in order of code) Implemented? ; Take a queen 2304 Yes! ; Take a rook 1280 Yes! ; Take a bishop 768 Yes! ; Take a knight 768 Yes! ; Take a pawn 256 Yes! ; Attack in center four tiles 4 Yes! ; Use queen in beginning game -10 Yes! ; Rook on blank file 32 Yes! ; Move King -12 Yes! (If you move king in check, that's not good, if you move ;king not in check, that's not good either!) ; Move Horse on first two moves 11 Yes! (My friends did the 4 man move and won!!!) ; Use pawn file C 2 Yes! ; Use pawn file D 5 Yes! ; Use pawn file E 6 Yes! ; Use pawn file F 2 Yes! ; Move pawn to 4th rank 2 Yes! ;Not until move 10: ; Move pawn to 5th rank 4 Yes! ; Move pawn to 6th rank 8 Yes! ; Move pawn to 7th rank 30 Yes! ; Move pawn to 8th rank 50 Yes! ; Attack on 5th rank 3 Yes! ; Attack on 6th rank 6 Yes! ; Attack on 7th rank 12 Yes! ; Attack on 8th rank 12 Yes! ; ; Analyze mode takes start coordinates in curglmx and curglmy, and ; goal coordinates in nxtglmx and nxtglmy ; ; The node value is incremented here, but it has to be reset somewhere ; else analyzemove: ld hl, (nodes) inc hl ld (nodes), hl call copyboard2 call analyzemovemain call getTOAV call getCCV ld de, (aivalue) add hl, de ld de, (TOAV) sbc hl, de ret analyzemovemain: ld hl, 32768 ld (aivalue), hl call getaiboardpos ;get address of start location, coords, and other stuff ld (curglmx), de push hl ld (aitype), a call getaiboardpos ld (nxtglmx), de ld (aitake), a pop de call executemove ld a, (nxtglmy) ld d, a ld a, (curturn) or a call z, reverseb ;if you're white, your y coordinate ;needs to be reversed ld a, d ld (aimovey), a ld a, (aitake) or a jr z, notakepiece call getpiecevalue call changeaivalue ld a, (moves) cp 10 ;no go for beginning of game... jr c, notakepiece ld a, (aimovey) ld de, 3 cp 4 ;attack on 5th rank? call z, changeaivalue ld de, 6 cp 5 ;attack on 6th rank? call z, changeaivalue ld de, 12 cp 6 ;attack on 7th rank? call z, changeaivalue cp 7 call z, changeaivalue ;attack on 8th rank? notakepiece: ld a, (aitype) cp 6 jr nz, notqueen ;do queen analyze stuff ld a, (moves) cp 10 ret nc ld de, -10 call changeaivalue ret notqueen: ld a, (aitype) cp 4 jr nz, notrook ;do rook analyze stuff ld h, $90 ;tempboard ld a, (nxtglmx) ;get x value, put pointer at second line of board at x and %00000111 add a, 8 ld l, a ld a, (hl) ;can't have anything here or a ret nz ld b, 4 ;gonna check for blank file ld de, 8 rookai1: add hl, de ld a, (hl) cp 2 ret nc ;pawns are okay (not in original pos.) djnz rookai1 rlc e rlc e call changeaivalue ;de=8, rlc e twice then de=32 ret notrook: cp 5 jr nz, notking ld de, -12 call changeaivalue ret notking: cp 3 jr nz, notknight ld a, (moves) cp 3 ret nc ld de, 11 call changeaivalue ret notknight cp 1 ret nz ;about to do the pawn ai moves! ld a, (nxtglmx) ld de, 2 cp 2 ;up on file C? call z, changeaivalue cp 5 ;up on file F? call z, changeaivalue ld de, 5 cp 3 ;up on file D? call z, changeaivalue ld de, 6 cp 4 call z, changeaivalue ;up on file E? ld a, (aimovey) ld de, 2 cp 3 ;up on rank 4? call z, changeaivalue ld a, (moves) cp 10 ;no go for this stuff in beginning of the game ret c ld a, (aimovey) inc de inc de cp 4 ;up on rank 5? call z, changeaivalue ld de, 8 cp 5 ;up on rank 6? call z, changeaivalue ld de, 30 cp 6 ;up on rank 7? call z, changeaivalue ld de, 50 cp 7 ;up on rank 8? call z, changeaivalue ret ;()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ; Get AI Move ;()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() getaimove: call getlegalmoves ld hl, $8100 ld (aimovepos), hl ld h, 0 ld (R1), hl ld (nodes), hl ailoop: call analyzemove push hl ld a, (showthinking) cp 2 jr z, noshowthinking call flipboard ld hl, tempboard call drawboard2 call flipboard noshowthinking pop hl ld a, (difficulty) cp 1 call nz, anotherlayer2 ld de, (R1) call hlde or a jr nz, nonewbigdaddy1 ld (R1), hl ld hl, curglmx ld de, M1 ld bc, 4 ldir nonewbigdaddy1: ld hl, (nodes) ld de, $386a call PrintNumber ld hl, (aimovepos) ld a, (hl) cp 255 jp z, domoveM1 jr ailoop anotherlayer2: push hl ld a, (curturn) xor 1 ld (curturn), a ld hl, Board ;save Board in temporary area ld de, $9040 ld bc, 64 ldir ld hl, (curglmx) ld (selposx), hl call getboardpos push de ld hl, (nxtglmx) ld (selposx), hl call getboardpos ex de, hl pop de call executemove ld hl, curglmx ld de, M2 ld bc, 4 ldir ld hl, $8a00 call getlegalmoves3 ld hl, (aimovepos) ld (aimovepos2), hl ld hl, $8a00 ld (aimovepos), hl ld h, 1 ld (R2), hl ailoop2: call analyzemove ld de, (R2) call hlde or a jr z, nonewbigdaddy2 ld (R2), hl nonewbigdaddy2: ld hl, (aimovepos) ld a, (hl) cp 255 jr nz, ailoop2 ld hl, $9040 ;reload board ld de, Board ld bc, 64 ldir ld de, curglmx ld hl, M2 ld bc, 4 ldir ld hl, (aimovepos2) ld (aimovepos), hl ld a, (curturn) xor 1 ld (curturn), a ld hl, (R2) ld a, 4 call _divHLbyA ex de, hl pop hl sbc hl, de ret ;()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ; Do Moves ;()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() domoveM1: ld hl, (M1) ld (selposx), hl call getboardpos push de ld hl, (M1+2) ld (nxtglmx), hl ld (selposx), hl call getboardpos ex de, hl pop de call executemove ret ;()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ; CCV ;()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ; gets check ; check value = 10 getCCV: call flipboard call checkforcheck ld hl, 0 or a jr nz, CCVequ ld hl, 10 ;check bonus CCVequ: ld (CCV), hl ret CCV: .dw 0 ;()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ; TOAV ;()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ;in- tempboardset, out- TOAV=total opponent attack value (principle AI proponent) ; used while analyzing an AI move. getTOAV: ld hl, 0 ld (TOAVcoordx), hl ld hl, 8192 ld (TOAV), hl ld h, $90 ld b, 64 GTlp: push bc push hl ld a, (hl) or a jr z, nothingtocheck cp 7 jr nc, nothingtocheck cp 5 jr z, nothingtocheck ;can't be in check AFTER a move (not legal) ld (TOAVtype), a ld (kingpos), hl ld hl, (TOAVcoordx) ld (kingposx), hl call checkforcheck2 or a jr nz, nothingtocheck ld a, (TOAVtype) add a, 6 call getpiecevalue push de ld hl, (TOAV) add hl, de ld (TOAV), hl push bc call flipboard call checkforcheck2 push af call flipboard pop af pop bc pop hl or a jr nz, nothingtocheck ld a, c call getpiecevalue call hlde cp 1 ;if the value of the piece you're taking with that's gonna get jr nz, makeTOAVsmart ;taken is Greater than the value of the GUARDED piece, nothing is added ex de, hl makeTOAVsmart: ld hl, (TOAV) sbc hl, de ld (TOAV), hl nothingtocheck: ld a, (TOAVcoordx) inc a cp 8 call z, updateTOAVy ld (TOAVcoordx), a pop hl inc hl pop bc djnz GTlp ret updateTOAVy: ld hl, TOAVcoordy inc (hl) xor a ret TOAVcoordx: .db 0 TOAVcoordy: .db 0 TOAV: .dw 0 TOAVtype: .db 0 TOAVmax: .dw 0 ;()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ; AI subroutines ;()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() getpiecevalue: ld de, 0 ;king value = 0 (can't ever take him anyway!) cp 7 ;notice that these are in order of occurence = less time jr z, gvpawn cp 10 jr z, gvrook cp 12 jr z, gvqueen cp 11 ret z ld d, 3 ;de=768 ret gvqueen ld d, 9 ;de=2304 ret gvrook: ld d, 5 ;de=1280 ret gvpawn: ld d, 1 ;de=256 ret changeaivalue: ld hl, (aivalue) add hl, de ld (aivalue), hl xor a ret reverseb: ld a, 7 sub d ld d, a ret ; hl is bigger - a=0 ; de is bigger - a=1 ; hl = de - a=2 hlde: ld a, h cp d jr z, checksmallstuffhlde jr nc, bighl ld a, 1 ret bighl: xor a ret checksmallstuffhlde: ld a, l cp e jr z, samethinghlde jr nc, bighl ld a, 1 ret samethinghlde: ld a, 2 ret ;in: aimovepos out: aimovepos=aimovepos+2 (next move), de=coordinated, hl=board position, a=value at pos. getaiboardpos: ld hl, (aimovepos) ld e, (hl) inc hl ld d, (hl) inc hl ld (aimovepos), hl push de ld a, d ;get y pos rlca rlca rlca add a, e ;get x pos ld h, $90 ;tempboardpos=$9000 ld l, a ld a, (hl) pop de ret ;()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ; AI variables ;()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() ;Temporary Analyze Move Stuff: aitake: .db 0 aitype: .db 0 aivalue: .dw 0 aimovey: .db 0 ;Important Stuff: aimovepos: .dw 0 aimovepos2: .dw 0 nodes: .dw 0 R1: .dw 0 R2: .dw 0 R3: .dw 0 M1: .dw 0, 0 M2: .dw 0, 0 .end