?flags := 0D00080h ;System Flags ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?ioDelFlag := 0h ?inDelete := 0 ;1 = DELETE SCREEN ?trigFlags := 0h ;Trigonometry mode settings ?trigDeg := 2 ;1 = degrees, 0=radians ?kbdFlags := 0h ;Keyboard scan ?kbdSCR := 3 ;1=scan code ready ?kbdKeyPress := 4 ;1=key has been pressed ?doneFlags := 0h ;display "Done" ?donePrgm := 5 ;1=display "Done" after prgm ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?editFlags := 1h ?editOpen := 2 ;1=edit buffer is open ?ansFlags := 1 ?AnsScroll := 3 ;1=answer can scroll, seems must be reset in order to move about edit buffer ?monFlags := 1h ;monitor flags ?monAbandon := 4 ;1=don't start any long process in put away (#715) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?plotFlags := 2h ;plot generation flags ?plotLoc := 1 ;0=bkup and display, 1=display only ?plotDisp := 2 ;1=plot is in display, 0=text in display, this also indicates whether graph is being shown or not ?grfModeFlags := 2h ;graph mode settings ?grfFuncM := 4 ;1=function graph ?grfPolarM := 5 ;1=polar graph ?grfParamM := 6 ;1=parametric graph ?grfRecurM := 7 ;1=RECURSION graph ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?graphFlags := 3h ?graphDraw := 0 ;0=graph is valid, 1=redraw graph(dirty) ?graphCursor := 2 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?grfDBFlags := 4h ?grfDot := 0 ;0=line, 1=dot ?grfSimul := 1 ;0=sequential, 1=simultaneous ?grfGrid := 2 ;0=no grid, 1=grid ?grfPolar := 3 ;0=rectangular, 1=polar coordinates ?grfNoCoord := 4 ;0=display coordinates, 1=off ?grfNoAxis := 5 ;0=axis, 1=no axis ?grfLabel := 6 ;0=off, 1=axis label ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?textFlags := 5h ;Text output flags ?textEraseBelow := 1 ;1=erase line below small char ?textScrolled := 2 ;1=screen scrolled ?textInverse := 3 ;1=display inverse bit-map ?textInsMode := 4 ;0=overstrike, 1=insert mode ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?ParsFlag := 6h ;PARSER flags ?listOpen := 5 ; {...} ?matrixOpen1 := 6 ; [[...]] ?matrixOpen2 := 7 ; [...] ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?ParsFlag2 := 7h ;PARSER flags ?numOP1 := 0 ;1=RESULT IN OP1, 0=NO RESULT ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?newDispF := 8h ;Derivative mode flags ?preClrForMode := 0 ;1=HELP BLINK ON MODE SCREEN ?allowProgTokens := 1 ;1=allow programming tokens to be parsed in BASIC programs ?progExecuting := 1 ?apdFlags := 8h ;Automatic power-down ?apdAble := 2 ;1=APD enabled ?apdRunning := 3 ;1=APD clock running ?apdWarmStart := 4 ;1=calculator is turning on from APD or power loss ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?web_err_mask := 60h ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?onFlags := 9h ;on key flags ?parseInput := 1 ;1=parse input when done ?onRunning := 3 ;1=calculator is running ?onInterrupt := 4 ;1=on key interrupt request ?statFlags := 9h ;statistics flags ;unknown equ 5 ;unknown ?statsValid := 6 ;1=stats are valid ;unknown equ 7 ;unknown ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?fmtFlags := 0Ah ;numeric format flags ?fmtExponent := 0 ;1=show exponent, 0=no exponent ?fmtEng := 1 ;1=engineering notion, 0=scientific ?numMode := 0Ah ?fmtReal := 5 ?fmtRect := 6 ?fmtPolar := 7 ?realMode := 5 ?rectMode := 6 ?polarMode := 7 ?fmtBaseMask := 00011100b ; mask to base flags ?fmtBaseShift := 2 ; offset to base flags ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?fmtOverride := 0Bh ;copy of fmtFlags with conversion override ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?fmtEditFlags := 0Ch ;numeric editing flags ?fmtEdit := 0 ;1=format number for editing ?curFlags := 0Ch ;Cursor ?curAble := 2 ;1=cursor flash is enabled ?curOn := 3 ;1=cursor is showing ?curLock := 4 ;1=cursor is locked off ?cmdFlags := 0Ch ;command editor flags ?cmdVirgin := 5 ;1=nothing has been typed in cmd bfr ?cmdExec := 6 ;1=need to execute a command ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?appFlags := 0Dh ;application flags ?appWantIntrpt := 0 ;1=want ON key interrupts ?appTextSave := 1 ;1=save characters in textShadow ?appAutoScroll := 2 ;1=auto-scroll text on last line ?appMenus := 3 ;1=process keys that bring up menus, 0=check Lock menu flag ?appLockMenus := 4 ;1=ignore menu keys, 0=switch to home screen and bring up menu ?appCurGraphic := 5 ;1=graphic cursor ?appCurWord := 6 ;1=text cursor covers entire word ?appExit := 7 ;1=application handles [EXIT] key itself ?appWantIntrptF := 1 ?appTextSaveF := 2 ?appAutoScrollF := 4 ?appMenusF := 8 ?appLockMenusF := 16 ?appCurGraphicF := 32 ?appCurWordF := 64 ?appExitF := 128 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?rclFlag := 0Eh ;OS recall queue flags ?enableQueue := 7 ;1 = enable recall queue ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?seqFlags := 0Fh ;Sequential Graph flags ?webMode := 0 ;0 = NORMAL SEQ MODE, 1 = WEB MODE ?webVert := 1 ?sequv := 2 ;U vs V ?seqvw := 3 ;V vs W ?sequw := 4 ;U vs W ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?promptFlags := 11h ;prompt line flags ?promptEdit := 0 ;1=editing in prompt buffer ;unknown equ 7 ;unknown ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?indicFlags := 12h ;Indicator flags ?indicRun := 0 ;1=run indicator ON ?indicInUse := 1 ;indicator save area in use=1, free=0 ;resetting will disable 2nd while in _getkey ?shiftFlags := 12h ;[2nd] and [ALPHA] flags ?shift2nd := 3 ;1=[2nd] has been pressed ?shiftAlpha := 4 ;1=[ALPHA] has been pressed ?shiftLwrAlph := 5 ;1=lower case, 0=upper case ?shiftALock := 6 ;1=alpha lock has been pressed ?shiftKeepAlph := 7 ;1=cannot cancel alpha shift ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?tblFlags := 13h ;table flags. ?autoFill := 4 ;1=prompt, 0=fillAuto ?autoCalc := 5 ;1=prompt, 0=CalcAuto ?reTable := 6 ;0=table is okay, 1=must recompute table. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?sGrFlags := 14h ?grfSplit := 0 ;1=Split Graph, 0=Normal ?vertSplit := 1 ;1=Vertical (left-right) Split ?grfSChanged := 2 ;1=Graph just changed Split <-> normal ?grfSplitOverride := 3 ;1 = ignore graph split flag if set ?write_on_graph := 4 ;1 = TEXT OR EQU WRITING TO GRAPH SCREEN ?g_style_active := 5 ;1 = GRAPH STYLES ARE ENABLED, USE THEM ?cmp_mod_box := 6 ;1 = DOING MOD BOX PLOT COMPUTATION ?textWrite := 7 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?newIndicFlags := 15h ?extraIndic := 0 ?saIndic := 1 ;3 has something to do with stat/list editor ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?interruptFlags := 16h ?secondTimerEnabled := 0 ;1 = second hardware timer enabled ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?smartFlags := 17h ?smarter_mask := 3 ?smarter_test := 1 ?smartGraph := 0 ?smartGraph_inv := 1 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?traceFlags := 18h ?grfExpr := 0 ;set to hide expression while tracing ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;There is a flag 19h. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?statFlags2 := 1Ah ?statDiagnosticsOn := 0 ;1 = stat diagnostics on ?noDelStat := 2 ;1 = don't delete stats ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?apdFlags2 := 1Bh ?warmStartInt := 6 ;1 = a warm start is occurning before the next interrupt ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;There is a flag 1Ch (stats-related). ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;There is a flag 1Dh. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;There is a flag 1Eh. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?graphFlags2 := 1Fh ?splitOverride := 3 ;0 = force full screen with ParseInp, or something ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?asm_Flag1 := 21h ;ASM CODING ?asm_Flag2 := 22h ;ASM CODING ?asm_Flag3 := 23h ;NO LONGER AVAILABLE ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?arcFlag := 24h ?checkBatteryLevelFirst := 0 ;1 = check battery levels in Arc_Unarc first and throw error if low ?getSendFlg := 24h ?comFailed := 1 ;1 = Get/Send Communication Failed ?selfTestFlag := 24h ?resetOnPowerOn := 2 ;1 = Force RAM reset when APD disabled on next power on ?appLwrCaseFlag := 24h ?lwrCaseActive := 3 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?contextFlags := 25h ?nocxPutAway := 5 ;1 = do not call cxPutAway routine ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?groupFlags := 26h ;used temporarily in Arc_Unarc ?inGroup := 1 ;1 = IN GROUP CONTEXT ?noCompletionByte := 2 ;1 = do not write 0FCh when calling Arc_Unarc, leave as 0FEh ?noDataWrite := 3 ;1 = do not write data when calling Arc_Unarc, nor size bytes ?writeSizeBytesOnly := 5 ;1 = only write size bytes when calling Arc_Unarc ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?statusBarFlags := 27h ?noStatusBarMode := 7 ; 1 = abort drawing of statusbar mode, like "TEST MODE ENABLED" ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?APIFlg := 28h ?appAllowContext := 0 ;app wants context changes to happen ?appRunning := 4 ;app is currently running ?appRetKeyOff := 7 ;1 = GetKey returns kOff when [2nd]+[ON] pressed ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?apiFlg2 := 29h ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?apiFlg3 := 2Ah ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?apiFlg4 := 2Bh ?cellOverride := 1 ;use cell override ?fullScrnDraw := 2 ;DRAW INTO LAST ROW/COL OF SCREEN ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?xapFlag0 := 2Eh ;external app flags, do not use 0,(iy+2Eh) (used by mouse routines) ?xapFlag1 := 2Fh ?xapFlag2 := 30h ?xapFlag3 := 31h ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?fontFlags := 32h ?fracDrawLFont := 2 ?fracTallLFont := 3 ?customFont := 7 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?hookflags1 := 33h ;also scriptFlag, rclFlag2, backGroundLink ?alt_On := 0 ;run ONSCRPT at startup ?alt_Off := 1 ;run OFFSCRPT at shutdown ?useRclQueueEnd := 2 ;1 = external mode ?ignoreBPLink := 3 ;1 = override flag for link activity hook ?bPLinkOn := 4 ;1 = link activity hook active ?enableKeyEcho := 5 ;1 = sends keypresses back to connected calc as remote control packets (with GetCSC vs. GetKey codes...really dumb, TI) ?noTempDelete := 6 ;1 = do not delete temporary programs at homescreen ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?hookflags2 := 34h ;also sysHookFlg ?getCSCHookActive := 0 ;1 = GetCSC hook active ?libraryHookActive := 1 ;1 = library hook active ?noHookActive := 2 ;1 = same as 0; never used by OS ?homescreenHookActive := 4 ;1 = homescreen hook active ?rawKeyHookActive := 5 ;1 = raw key hook active ?catalog2HookActive := 6 ;1 = catalog 2 hook active ?cursorHookActive := 7 ;1 = cursor hook active ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?hookflags3 := 35h ;also sysHookFlg1 ?tokenHookActive := 0 ;1 = token hook active ?localizeHookActive := 1 ;1 = localize hook active ?windowHookActive := 2 ;1 = window hook active ?graphHookActive := 3 ;1 = graph hook active ?yEquHookActive := 4 ;1 = Y= hook active ?fontHookActive := 5 ;1 = font hook active ?regraphHookActive := 6 ;1 = regraph hook active ?drawingHookActive := 7 ;1 = drawing hook active ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?hookflags4 := 36h ;also sysHookFlag2 ?traceHookActive := 0 ;1 = trace hook active ?parserHookActive := 1 ;1 = parser hook active ?appChangeHookActive := 2 ;1 = app change hook active ?catalog1HookActive := 3 ;1 = catalog 1 hook active ?helpHookActive := 4 ;1 = help hook active ?cxRedispHookActive := 5 ;1 = cxRedisp hook active ?menuHookActive := 6 ;1 = menu hook active ?silentLinkHookActive := 7 ;1 = silent link hook active ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;hookflags2Override equ 37h ;set corresponding bit to kill iy+35h hook when executing app ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;hookflags3Override equ 38h ;set corresponding bit to kill iy+36h hook when executing app ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;hookflags4Override equ 39h ;set corresponding bit to kill iy+37h hook when executing app ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?hookflags5 := 3Ah ?usbActivityHookActive := 0 ;1 = USB activity hook active ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?plotFlag3 := 3Ch ?bufferOnly := 0 ?useFastCirc := 4 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?dBKeyFlags := 3Dh ?keyDefaultsF := 6 ;1 = GetKey returns extended keycodes with TI-Keyboard ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?silentLinkFlags := 3Eh ?silentLinkActive := 0 ;1 = SE/84+ silent link is active ?extraHookFlags := 3Eh ?checkCatalog2HookVer := 3 ;1 = check catalog 2 hook's version before executing it (and error or take other action if so) ?openLibActive := 4 ;1 = OpenLib( was successfully called on a Flash application (ExecLib will error if zero) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?clockFlags := 3Fh ?notMDYMode := 0 ;0 = M/D/Y format ?isYMDMode := 1 ;1 = Y/M/D format ?is24Hour := 2 ;1 = clock in 24 hour mode ?inAfternoon := 3 ;1 = current time is in afternoon (PM) (I think) ?useTokensInString := 4 ;1 = use tokens instead of characters when displaying clock as string (for getTmStr and getDtStr vs. MODE screen) (keep this reset) ?displayClock := 5 ;1 = display clock (this is set every second, reset otherwise) ?clockOn := 6 ;1 = clock on ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?mathprintFlags := 44h ?mathprintEnabled := 5 ;1 = use mathprint styling ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?InitialBootMenuFlags := 45h ?statWizards := 2 ; 1 = stat wizards off ?dispinitialBootMenu := 4 ; 1 = don't display the initial boot menu ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?backlightFlags := 46h ?restoreBrightness := 0 ;1 = restore lcd brightness when needed ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?asymptoteFlags := 47h ?detectAsymptotes := 0 ; 1 = detect asymptotes off ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?fracFlags := 48h ?mixedFractions := 0 ; 1 = display mixed fractions (Un/d) ?answersAuto := 1 ; 1 = display decimal answers ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?grFlags := 4Ah ?drawGrLbls := 0 ;1 = don't draw Graph Labels (this is usually reset anyway) ?putMapFlags := 4Ah ?usePixelShadow2 := 3 ;1 = use pixelshadow2, not pixelshadow ?putMapUseColor := 4 ;1 = use custom color ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?graphDispFlags := 4Bh ?backgroundValid := 4 ;1 = items in graph background are still valid ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ?graphBgFlags := 4Fh ?drawGrBackground := 0 ; 1 = graphBG is a solid color or an image that exists ;----------------------------------------------------------------------