Program: Zombie Chase CE Author: Spenceboy98 This program requires the appvars provided here: This is a port of my Prizm game Zombie Chase to the CE! It has the same gameplay, but with a new feature! Now as you pick up health packs, you also get points! See how many points you can get before you die! In this game you are a white square attempting to survive the zombie apocalypse. You must collect red health packs and avoid green zombies, or you will die. Good luck! Use arrows to move, and that's about it for the controls. :P This version has a new Fail screen and some big-fixes! With this new fail screen, the size of the program is dramatically smaller! Enjoy! Just updated with the latest libraries. Everything else should be the same, but let me know if you have any issues. NEW FEATURE: Once "bitten" by a zombie, you become infected! Health decreases after you've been bitten, so you have less time to get points. Also, health packs give more health after being bitten. Special thanks to MateoConLechuga for the C SDK and for helping optimize my code! Also, thanks to him for putting up with my constant questions and n00b mistakes. Questions and concerns: