// NyanCat - Xavier Andréani - TI-Planet.org // v1.2 - April 5th, 2016 // License: GPL3 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt // Licence: GPL3 - http://www.rodage.org/gpl-3.0.fr.txt /* Keep these headers */ #include #include #include #include /* Standard headers - it's recommended to leave them included */ #include #include #include #include /* Other available headers */ // stdarg.h, setjmp.h, assert.h, ctype.h, float.h, iso646.h, limits.h, errno.h #include "tools.h" #include "text8bpp.h" #include "screen8bpp.h" #include "frames.h" #include "splash.h" #define SCR_LINES (SCR_HEIGHT/STXT_HEIGHT) // Global non-pointers variables (DON'T FORGET TO INITIALIZE THEM) //uint8_t ystatus1 = SCR_HEIGHT-2*STXT_HEIGHT, ystatus2 = SCR_HEIGHT-STXT_HEIGHT, ystatus3=SCR_HEIGHT-3*STXT_HEIGHT/2; uint8_t userBrightness = 100; // will get overwritten void main() { uint8_t iframe=0; pgrm_CleanUp(); userBrightness = getBrightness(); startScreen8bpp(); // splash screen fillLines(2,0,SCR_HEIGHT-1); dispBack(); printSmall8bpp("Adages :",0,0); printSmall8bpp("- Cats always land on their feet.",0,STXT_HEIGHT); printSmall8bpp("- Toasts always land buttered side down.",0,2*STXT_HEIGHT); printSmall8bpp("Question :",0,4*STXT_HEIGHT); printSmall8bpp("What happens if you attach a buttered toast,",0,5*STXT_HEIGHT); printSmall8bpp("buttered side up, to the back of a cat?",0,6*STXT_HEIGHT); printSmall8bpp("Adages :",0,(SCR_LINES-7)*STXT_HEIGHT); printSmall8bpp("- Un chat retombe toujours sur ses pattes.",0,(SCR_LINES-6)*STXT_HEIGHT); printSmall8bpp("- Une tartine retombe toujours du cote beurre.",0,(SCR_LINES-5)*STXT_HEIGHT); printSmall8bpp("Question :",0,(SCR_LINES-3)*STXT_HEIGHT); printSmall8bpp("Que se passe-t-il si on attache une tartine,",0,(SCR_LINES-2)*STXT_HEIGHT); printSmall8bpp("cote beurre vers le haut, au dos d'un chat ?",0,(SCR_LINES-1)*STXT_HEIGHT); increaseBrightness(userBrightness); initFrames(frames); for(iframe=0;iframe