Program: Periodic Table 2.0 Platform: TI-83+ (MirageOS version) Author: Ahmed El-Helw ( Porter: Jason Kovacs ( Size: 3716 (TI-83+) Date: July 15, 2000 Well, long time ago, I made a periodic table that was text based. Now, about 3 years later, I decide to renovate this program into a graphical periodic table. This program is not only easier to use and better looking than the original one, but it is about half the size! This program was meant to help people learn the periodic table, or as reference, NOT as a tool for cheating on tests. I am against cheating, it is against my religion, so please don't do it. If you do, you are to be held accountable in front of God on the day of Ressurection. With that said, here are some basic controls. Arrows : Move the cursor around Enter : Gives you information about the element Mode : Brings up a mini-help screen Clear : Exits the program back to ION. Here is what it currently has: o Moving through the periodic table, with the right/left arrow keys o Displays Name, Symbol, Atomic #, and Atomic Mass o 110 Elements total Future versions may but not necessarily include: o Up/Down movement.. I took this out because it would take too much memory o Search engine - at least for atomic # and symbol o More optomizations Version History -Sept 6, 1998 o First Release -Sept. 26, 1998 o Fixed minor bug that caused crashing o Few bytes smaller -Jan. 14, 2000 o Program converted to run in ION for the 83/83+. o Key arrangement altered from SOS version. o Help Screen altered for the new keys, and porter info. o Program size slightly increased for these changes. -July 15, 2000 o Program converted to run in MirageOS for the 83+. o Button Image added for Use in Shell (30 Bytes). o Optimizations Made (Total Size Now 10 Bytes Less). o Slightly more changes made to the Help Screen. Special thanks to: Andrew Hockman [Stargun Productions]: for his 86 Elements program, where I got the idea. Joe Wingbermuehle: For the getString routine If you have any questions, comments, etc, please feel free to contact me. I am not responsible for any damage this program does to you or your calculator, it is thouroughly tested and nothing seems to be wrong. If however you find something, please report it to me as soon as possible. Ahmed El-Helw Jason Kovacs