Program name : UTSRLib 0.4 beta Author : Matthieu Gallet (Flanker) Calculators : TI-89, TI-92Plus, Voyage-200, TI-89 Titanium Software : AMS 1.00 - 3.01 Hardware : HW 1 - HW 3 Contact me : matthieu _ gallet (@) Flanker on www.yAronet.cOm/forum.php?s=2 (in French) www.yAronet.cOm/forum.php?s=489 (in English) Introduction : UTSRLib is a kernel library, which offers functions for an easy programmation of different types of TSRs. I have coded it for different reasons : * avoiding the need to write the same installation code in all TSRs (a very annoying thing) * allowing to write kernel TSRs * keep compatibility problems in the kernel * allowing easily-coded and powerful TSRs Allowed kernel features are : * RAM_CALLs * ROM_CALLs * EXTRA_RAM_CALLs Installation : You just need to send the file .89z (for TI-89s), .9xz (for TI-92+s) or .v2z (for V200s) to your calculator. Note that theses files are in fact the same file, so you can send a .89z to a TI92+ :) Uninstallation : Juste delete the file from your calc (and your PC) This code is under the LGPL you can always find the last version on