---------------------------------------------------------------------- S.M.A. V 0.30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You need : + a TI-92 II with Fargo II ( + a TI-92 + with DoorsOs Beta 2 or compatible OS and ROM v1.01, v1.05. + a TI-89 with DoorsOs Beta 2 or compatible OS and ROM v1.00, v1.05 I will port this game to Rom v2.03 as soon as Ti gives more infos. Sorry, but you can't use a normal TI-92 (memory !!) To get these OS-extender, you can go to: http://www.ticalc.org http://www.calc.org http://www.ti-files.org http://www.ti-fr.fr.st http://www.ifrance.com/ti92 (I always forget the new URL...) http://www.ifrance.com/Microsheep ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARIES: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Just need libraries for TI-92+ or TI-89 : _ userlib (For Rom v1.05, you need a PATCHED VERSION of userlib) _ graphlib _ genlib (For Hardware 2.0, you need a SPECIAL VERSION of genlib !) _ filelib _ shrnklib For TI-92, you need also : _ menulib _ smalib /**********************************************************************\ | | | YOU MUST HAVE THE RIGHT AND THE MOST RECENT VERSIONS OF THE LIBRARIES| | IN ORDER FOR THE GAME TO RUN CORRECTLY. | | | \**********************************************************************/ All levels, graphics, external-sprites will work on either a TI-89, TI-92, or TI-92 Plus. Also, the header of TI-89/92(Plus) level sets must be changed slightly in order for TI-Graph Link(TM) for TI-92 to accept them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMORY: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You need about 50Kb to run its programs. But it can be 20Kb or 100Kb. You need more memory if you have archived 'sma'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- First, install the OS-Extender (Fargo, PlusShell, DoorsOS, ...). Read the doc of the OS to install them ! Send : + sma (the main program ! - You can archive it). + Graph files (You can archive them). + Level files (You can archive them). + External sprites (DO NOT ARCHIVE THE EXTERNAL SPRITE FILES !!!!!) And the libraries (for YOUR calc). Finally, press sma() in the home screen to run it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MENU: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ? What can I say ? * Press ESC to escape (Return to TI-OS or a shell). * Press Left / Right to change of folder * Press Up / Right to select a world. In the game, you can use the standart virtual pad of GenLib. (A button for jump). The defauts of genlib are : + Up /Down /Left/ Right .. + '+' or '-' : Adjust the contrast + F1 or 2nd to jump. + Esc to quit. + 'Apps' : pause the game and turn off the calc. But you can change it ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GAME ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 'S.M.A.' is a 'Sonic the hedgehod like'. The source code for this game is completely original and was written without knowledge of the source code for any Sega game. (It is really hard to create such a engine ;-) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURES ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _GrayScale _Parallax scrolling _Enormous levels _Hight compression ratio. _World Developement Kit (WDK) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer ------------------------------------------------------------------- There is always the possibility that a program will crash your calculator. I cannot be held responsible for loss of data, damage to your calculator, etc. Use this program at your own risk. If your TI89 crashes, press 2nd - Right - Left - Esc - ON to reset it. If this doesn't work remove the 4 batteries + the Lithium battery If your TI92 crashes, press 2nd - Lock - ON to reset it. If this doesn't work remove the 4 batteries + the Lithium battery NB : My calc crashes quite often but I have never remove the Lithium battery even for hight crash ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Missing: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _Link mode ? _Music ? _Boss ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- History ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.20 ? : First public release v0.25 : * Added sprites / Fixed 'sprite bugs' * Fixed many bugs. v0.27 : * Added world * Added save * Added Menu * Change 'sprite' format for compatibillity with external * Added multi-speed / multi-skill * Added 'Saving point' * Improve 'Animation engine' * Added other things ? * Fixed many bugs. v0.28 : * Rewrite the engine of the main character. * Fixed many bugs * Added many bugs. * Added World Developement Kit. * Fixed a crash bug of 'filelib::writefile' function. v0.29 : * Added 'Special effects' * Fixed some bugs * Added many sprites * Added monster check routine * Added many other features v0.30 : * Fixed bugs, bugs and bugs. * Added features but I forget what ! * Hardware v2.00 : ok ! * Added bugs, bugs and bugs... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special thanks: David Ellsworth Thomas Corvazier David Kühling Patrick Davidson Rusty Wagner Xavier VASSOR Thanks: Ian D. Mead & Laurent Feltz for UltraEdit ------------------------------------------------------------------- Staff ------------------------------------------------------------------- Main program by Patrick Pelissier Future menu program by Brian Tribondeau Graphics by Cedric and Patrick Pelissier Levels design by Cedric Pelissier Beta test by Lars Harrison (TI-89 / Rom v1.05 / HW 1.0), Patrick Pelissier (TI-92+ / Rom v1.00, v1.01, v1.05 / HW 1.00), Brian Tribondeau (TI-92 II) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- KNOW BUGS : ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + The engine of the main character isn't perfect... + One crash bug found : when you want to change of sub-level. If you find any bugs in this game or have suggestions or comments about it, please tell me. If you are writing to report a bug, please be sure to tell me exactly what the problem is and describe exactly what you did before the problem occured. You should also tell me which version of Sma, calc, ROM and OS you have in any mail you send me. If you can, please send me a screen-shot of the bug, or an animated screenshot of what you are doing before having the bug (GOOD IDEA ! :)) ppelissier@hotmail.com