Taxi Simulator
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Catégorie :Category: Jeux TI-83 Premium CE / 84+CE / 82APy
Auteur Author: commandblockguy
Type : Assembleur nécessitant un kernel
Taille Size: 11.05 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 17/07/2017 - 22:37:04
Mis à jour Updated: 07/04/2019 - 18:28:37
Uploadeur Uploader: critor (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 197
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
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Type : Assembleur nécessitant un kernel
Taille Size: 11.05 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 17/07/2017 - 22:37:04
Mis à jour Updated: 07/04/2019 - 18:28:37
Uploadeur Uploader: critor (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 197
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink :
Sillonne la ville au volant de ton taxi. Choisis les bons itinéraires pour éviter les embouteillages et gagner des pourboires.
Drive a taxi around a city collecting tips. Strategically plan routes to avoid traffic and get the most tips possible! But don't take your eyes off the road for too long, or you might crash! Requires the C libraries - see readme
Drive a taxi around a city collecting tips. Strategically plan routes to avoid traffic and get the most tips possible! But don't take your eyes off the road for too long, or you might crash! Requires the C libraries - see readme