
Frogger v4.0 and v3.1

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Catégorie :Category: Jeux TI-84+CSE
Auteur Author: Kerm Martian
Type : Basic
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 23/02/2013 - 14:16:51
Mis à jour Updated: 23/02/2013 - 20:31:35
Téléchargements Downloads: 265
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a11384
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Le fameux jeu de la grenouille qui doit traverser la route en évitant les obstacles, enfin adapté pour la 84+CSE :)

Description originale :
This special TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition release of my classic Frogger game takes advanced of the TI-84+CSE's new large screen. Using the full homescreen, you can relive the timeless arcade classic, avoiding trucks, cars, and jeeps while trying to get your frog across a busy road. Make your way through 9 levels and beat the game, but lose three lives and the game is over!


Archive contentsContenu de l'archive

Action(s) SizeTaille FileFichier
3.25 Ko KB readme.txt
961 octets bytes FROGGER3.8xp
4.35 Ko KB FROGGER4.8xp
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