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Catégorie :Category: Utilitaires PC TI-82+/83+/84
Auteur Author: MerthSoft
Type : Logiciel
Taille Size: 1.03 Mo MB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 19/03/2013 - 11:44:15
Mis à jour Updated: 29/03/2015 - 22:11:59
Uploadeur Uploader: Adriweb (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 3826
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a11813


IDE de programmation pour calculatrices z80 supportant le langage Basic et autres (Axe, Grammer, ...).
(version de fin-Mars 2015)

Codé en C#.
Marche sous Mac et Linux avec Mono ou Wine.

Lien originel de l'auteur : http://merthsoft.com/Tokens.zip

Description originale ( http://www.cemetech.net/programs/index.php?mode=file&path=/comp/Tokens.zip ) :
TokenIDE is an Interactive Development Environment for TI-BASIC. Its goal is to provide BASIC programmers the ability to develop their programs on the computer, and provide tools to make the development process easier. This version has the ability to load and build .8xp programs, with control over how the program is rendered by TokenIDE, including customizable syntax highlighting. It also includes a built in hex sprite editor, DCS GUI editor, and image editor. This program is written in C#, and has been tested on Linux using Mono 2.10. Note: The readme file is pretty out dated on this, but I figured I'd get an update out there. There have been a lot of changes. Now has preliminary support for 82 and 83 calculators.

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