
Gallery: The HP Prime PNG/JPG Image Viewer

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Catégorie :Category: Utilitaires HP-Prime
Auteur Author: Manuel Andres Velez
Type : Application
Taille Size: 738.95 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 18/05/2015 - 18:05:18
Mis à jour Updated: 28/07/2023 - 16:07:08
Uploadeur Uploader: mandresve (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 4913
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a229596


Hey everyone! Exciting news! I've been really into visualizing images on my HP Prime lately, and guess what? No more relying on websites or conversion tools! I wrote this application called "Gallery" that lets you view PNG and JPG files directly on the calculator. No more hassle, just pure convenience! (Since 2015)

Find everything you need in the source repository: Installation, Usage Instructions, and Tips & Tricks.
Visit Gallery on GitHub: https://github.com/mandresve/Gallery

UPDATES (28-07-2023):
Support for the latest firmware in HP Prime G1 & G2 Models.
New Options menu to control embedded options.
New File sorting method for improved reliability.
New File Opening/Delete/Locate methods for enhanced stability.
Hide icon file for a cleaner interface.
New tutorial as default images for user guidance.
Added fit-to-screen feature for better image viewing.
Overall experience optimization for smoother usage.
Source code released on GitHub for community collaboration and improvement.

Please reach me at about.me/mandresve or email me at: mandresve@hotmail.com
If you like my work, let me know and share the app!. Thanks.

Archive contentsContenu de l'archive

Action(s) SizeTaille FileFichier
60.39 Ko KB Gallery V2.4.0/Gallery.hpappdir/001_GalleryTutorial.jpg
57.50 Ko KB Gallery V2.4.0/Gallery.hpappdir/002_GalleryTutorial.jpg
58.49 Ko KB Gallery V2.4.0/Gallery.hpappdir/003_GalleryTutorial.jpg
59.80 Ko KB Gallery V2.4.0/Gallery.hpappdir/004_GalleryTutorial.jpg
72.14 Ko KB Gallery V2.4.0/Gallery.hpappdir/005_GalleryTutorial.jpg
397.41 Ko KB Gallery V2.4.0/Gallery.hpappdir/006_GalleryTutorial.png
65.23 Ko KB Gallery V2.4.0/Gallery.hpappdir/007_GalleryTutorial.jpg
200 octets bytes Gallery V2.4.0/Gallery.hpappdir/Gallery.hpapp
1.09 Ko KB Gallery V2.4.0/Gallery.hpappdir/Gallery.hpappnote
19.07 Ko KB Gallery V2.4.0/Gallery.hpappdir/Gallery.hpappprgm
8.13 Ko KB Gallery V2.4.0/Gallery.hpappdir/icon.png
1.16 Ko KB Gallery V2.4.0/License.txt
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