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notes notes Ten Principles of Economics : People face trade-offs : Choosing one thing often means giving up another. The cost of something is what you give up to get it : Opportunity cost is crucial in decision-making. Rational people think at the margin : Decisions are made by comparing marginal benefits and marginal costs. People respond to incentives : Behavior changes when costs or benefits change. Trade can make everyone better off : Specialization and trade allow for greater efficiency. Markets are usually a good way to organize economic activity : Market economies allocate resources efficiently. Governments can sometimes improve market outcomes : Market failures may require intervention. A country's standard of living depends on its ability to produce goods and services : Productivity is key. Prices rise when the government prints too much money : Inflation is linked to money supply. Society faces a short-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment : The Phillips curve illustrates this relationship. Thinking Like An Economist : Economists use models to simplify reality and analyze economic behavior. The circular flow diagram illustrates how money and goods flow through the economy. Interdependence and the Gains from Trade Interdependence : Individuals and nations depend on each other for goods and services. Comparative advantage : Countries benefit from specializing in goods they produce most efficiently. Gains from trade : Trade allows for consumption beyond individual production possibilities. Supply and Demand Supply and Demand : Law of Demand : As price decreases, quantity demanded increases, and vice versa. Law of Supply : As price increases, quantity supplied increases, and vice versa. Market equilibrium : The point where supply equals demand determines the market price. Elasticity and Government Policies Elasticity : Price elasticity of demand : Measures how much quantity demanded responds to price changes. Elastic vs. inelastic demand : Elastic demand (>1) indicates sensitivity to price changes; inelastic demand (<1) indicates less sensitivity. Income elasticity : Measures how quantity demanded changes as consumer income changes. Cross-price elasticity : Measures how quantity demanded of one good changes in response to the price change of another good. Government Policies : Price controls : Price ceilings (maximum prices) and price floors (minimum prices) can lead to shortages or surpluses. Consumer/Producer Surplus and Taxation Consumer Surplus : The difference between what consumers are willing to pay and what they actually pay. Producer Surplus : The difference between what producers are willing to accept and what they actually receive. Taxation : Taxes can create a wedge between the price consumers pay and the price producers receive, leading to deadweight loss. Externalities and Public Goods Externalities : Positive externalities : Benefits that affect third parties (e.g., education). Negative externalities : Costs that affect third parties (e.g., pollution). Government intervention may be necessary to correct market failures caused by externalities. Public Goods : Characteristics include non-excludability and non-rivalry (e.g., national defense). The free-rider problem occurs when individuals benefit from resources they do not pay for. extra notes Made with nCreator - tiplanet.org

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