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owdowaihf Hw question #2 Question 1 The production possibilities frontier shifts as: Answer: technology changes. Question 2 Suppose the United States discovers a way to produce clean nuclear fuel. The effect of this discovery would be to: Answer: shift the U.S. PPF outward. Question 3 Any production point outside the production possibilities frontier is: Answer: unattainable. Question 4 Scarcity is represented on a production possibilities frontier figure by: Answer: the fact there are attainable and unattainable points. Question 5 A society that is producing on its production possibilities frontier is: Answer: fully utilizing all of its productive resources. Question 6 Suppose the country of Nordania produces only jets and corn. If Nordania cannot produce any more jets without giving up corn, we say that Nordania has achieved: Answer: production efficiency. Question 7 To obtain the gains available from comparative advantage, individuals or countries must do more than specialize; they must also: Answer: trade. Question 8 George and Michael can gain from exchange: Answer: if each specializes in the production of the good for which he has the lower opportunity cost. Question 9 Because of the existence of comparative advantage, the total output of goods is higher when each producer: Answer: specializes in the production of one good or a few goods. Question 10 In one week Alice can produce 5 pairs of shoes or 4 bookshelves while Roger can produce 10 pairs of shoes or 6 bookshelves. Alice should specialize in the production of: Answer: bookshelves. Question 11 A person has a comparative advantage in producing a particular good if that person: Answer: can produce it at lower opportunity cost than anyone else can. Question 12 The "law of demand" states that changes in: Answer: the quantity demanded of a good are inversely related to changes in its price. Question 13 The "law of demand" states that, other things remaining the same, the higher: Answer: the price of a good, the smaller is the quantity demanded. Question 14 If the price of a good changes but everything else influencing suppliers' planned sales remains constant, there is a: Answer: movement along the supply curve. Question 15 A fall in the price of a good causes producers to reduce the quantity of the good they are willing to produce. This fact illustrates: Answer: the law of supply. Question 16 Which of the following quotations refers to a movement along the demand curve? Answer: "We decided to cut our prices, and the increase in our sales has been remarkable." Question 17 To say that "supply increases" for any reason, means there is a: Answer: shift rightward in the supply curve. Question 18 Which of the following will not cause the demand for pizza to change? Answer: a change in the price of pizza. Question 19 If the price of coffee declines, the demand curve for the donuts will: Answer: shift to the right. Question 20 An increase in the price of the cheese used to produce pizza shifts the supply curve of pizza (?) and shifts the demand curve for pizza (?). Answer: leftward; not at all. ksiwufgiuqefg ih Made with nCreator - tiplanet.org

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