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Auteur Author: hfjdkkkff
Type : Classeur 3.0.1
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Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a4262009


Fichier Nspire généré sur TI-Planet.org.

Compatible OS 3.0 et ultérieurs.

augdflukwq wudg Hw questions #3 Question 1 Suppose a tax is imposed on a good. This will: Answer: increase the price paid by the buyer and decrease the price received by the seller. Question 2 A sales tax is imposed on the sellers of gasoline. This tax shifts: Answer: the supply of gasoline curve leftward. Question 3 When a sales tax is imposed on sellers, the supply curve shifts so that the vertical distance between the old and the new supply curve equals the: Answer: amount of the sales tax. Question 4 How a sales tax is divided between buyers and sellers is determined by: Answer: the elasticities of supply and demand. Question 5 A binding price ceiling is designed to: Answer: keep prices low. Question 6 A price ________ is a regulated ________ that must be set below the equilibrium price to have an: Answer: ceiling; price. Question 7 One of the ways rent control is inefficient is that it leads to: Answer: high opportunity costs associated with wasted time searching for apartments. Question 8 When a price ceiling is in place keeping the price below the market price, whats larger: quantity demanded or quantity supplied? Answer: Quantity demanded. Question 9 Suppose the government sets a price floor below the current price of the good. This price floor will: Answer: have no effect on the price of the good. Question 10 A price floor: Answer: results in a surplus if the floor price is higher than the equilibrium price. Question 11 If the minimum wage is a binding price floor, then: Answer: the number of workers who want to work will be greater than the number of jobs available. Question 12 A minimum wage: Answer: is a price floor in the labor market. Question 13 An externality occurs when: Answer: some of the costs of producing a good are paid by someone other than the producer. Question 14 When people garnish the exteriors of their homes with Halloween decorations and colored lights, they create ________ for the motorists who pass by. Answer: an external benefit. Question 15 A free-rider is someone who: Answer: enjoys the benefits of a good without paying for it. Question 16 The free-rider problem is the absence of an incentive for: Answer: people to pay for what they consume. Question 17 A good or service or a resource is non-excludable if: Answer: it is not possible to prevent someone from benefiting from it. Question 18 Education at a private university is NOT a public good because it is: Answer: Excludable. Question 19 A good or service or a resource is non-rival if: Answer: its use by one person does not decrease the quantity available for someone else. Question 20 If a public good was left to be provided by the private sector: Answer: less than the efficient quantity would be produced. ailsbholeqwbh Made with nCreator - tiplanet.org

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