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awifhgolpi Hw questions #4 Question 1 When the price is below the equilibrium price, the quantity demanded: Answer: exceeds the equilibrium quantity but the quantity supplied is less than the equilibrium quantity. Question 2 You observe that in the market for coffee that both the equilibrium price of coffee and the equilibrium quantity have increased. You predict that the demand for coffee: Answer: has increased with no change in the supply of coffee. Question 3 When the price is less than the equilibrium price: Answer: All of the answers are correct. Question 4 The existence of a shortage: Answer: pushes the price up. Question 5 Which of the following always lowers the equilibrium price? Answer: a decrease in demand combined with an increase in supply. Question 6 The price of a good will fall if: Answer: there is a surplus at the current price. Question 7 The price elasticity of demand is defined as the magnitude of the: Answer: percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in price. Question 8 The price elasticity of demand depends on: Answer: neither the units used to measure price nor the units used to measure quantity. Question 9 The price elasticity of demand for purses is measured in what units? Answer: The price elasticity of demand is a unitless measure. Question 10 A decrease in the price of eggs from $1.50 to $1.30 per dozen resulted in an increase in egg purchases in two cities. In Philadelphia, daily egg purchases increased from 6000 to 8000 dozens; in nearby Dover, Delaware, daily egg purchases increased from 300 to 400 dozens. The price elasticity of demand is therefore: Answer: lower in the smaller city as would be expected. Question 11 A 10 percent increase in the quantity of spinach demanded results from a 20 percent decline in its price. The price elasticity of demand for spinach is: Answer: 0.5. Question 12 Dan sells newspapers. Dan says that a 4 percent increase in the price of a newspaper will decrease the quantity of newspapers demanded by 8 percent. According to Dan, the demand for newspapers is: Answer: elastic. Question 13 Using average price and average quantity, calculate the price elasticity of demand if a price rise from $8 to $10 and decreases the quantity demanded from 20 units to 15 units. The price elasticity of demand equals: Answer: 1.29. Question 14 The price elasticity of demand for furniture is estimated at 1.3. This value means a one percent increase in the: Answer: price of furniture will decrease the quantity of furniture demanded by 1.3 percent. Question 15 The price elasticity of demand for oil is estimated at 0.05. This value means a 10 percent increase in the: Answer: price of oil will increase the quantity of oil demanded by 0.5 percent. Question 16 If the demand curve is a downward sloping straight line, the price elasticity of demand always: Answer: decreases with movements upward along the demand curve. Question 17 If the price elasticity is between 0 and 1, demand is: Answer: inelastic. Question 18 If a 20 percent increase in the price of a used car results in a 10 percent decrease in the quantity of used cars demanded, then the demand for used cars is: Answer: inelastic. Question 19 When demand is (?), a decrease in price (?) total revenue. Answer: inelastic; decreases. Question 20 Producers' total revenue will increase if: Answer: the price rises and demand is inelastic. Efugo uwfg Made with nCreator - tiplanet.org

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