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L1 S&D Given Qd=1600-300p Given Qs=1400+700p Find P* and Q* Qd=Qs  MC=TC/Q MC=MR Explain the differences between a change in demand and a change in quantity demanded. Change in demand  shifts the D curve Change in Qd  is due to a change in price Explain the factors that shift the S curve -weather (agriculture perishables), technology (increase in yields), tax/subsidies, # of sellers, input price , price expectation Shift in D curve #buyers,  consumer income (tax/subsidies) -> (normal (beef)/inferior goods (potato)), price (substitute (pepsi/coke)/complementary goods (fries/ketchup), trend/fashion   L2 Elasticity Calculate income elasticity of demand (use midpoint method) Midpoint method - same answer regardless of direction E=(Qab/(average of Qa&Qb)*100)/( Pab/(average of Pa&Pb)*100) Calculate cross elasticity of d E=(QB/QB *100)/( QA/QA*100) Explain factors which affect elasticity of supply Spare production Capacity, stocks of finished products, Ease & Cost of substitutions, Time period of the production process Factors affecting elasticity of D Availability of close substitutes, Necessities vs Luxuries, Time horizon, Definition of the market   L3 Perfect Competition 4 characteristics of Perfect Competition; explain each briefly, draw the industry and firm diagrams Many Buyers&Sellers (price takers), Homogenous products (customers indifferent), Free Entry&Exit, Perfect info Industry: S&D Firm: AR=MR straight line, then show MC, ATC curves Given info on Price, Quantity, TC, can you calculate Profit, MR and MC? TR=Price  Profit = MR-MC L4 Monopoly Draw a non natural monopoly diagram; find P*, Q* with Pm and Qm; with Pc and Qc  MR=MC point, find Dcurve for price ATC=MC intersect TR=TC AR=TR/Q=P Given P,Q, TC, will you be able to calculate MR and MC? Find Q* and P* Price discrimination profit   L5 Government & Economy Explain the roles of a government in an economy -Maintaining legal and social framework              -Create laws, provide info and services to help the function of the economy -establish monetary system and define/enforce property rights -Maintaining competition              -Create and enforce antitrust laws -regulate natural monopolies -Providing public goods and services              -Provide goods&services the markets are unable/unwilling to provide (e,g army) -Redistributing income              -Higher income tax rates for rich than poor, provide social security e.g medicare -Correcting for externalities ( affecting other people e.g smoking) -Stabilizing the economy -fiscal/ monetary policy -Using gov budgets/money supply to promote economic growth, control infl, reduce unemploy   Compare & Contrast a Market Economy and Command Economy Free market economy : e.g US. Europe -          Capitalism -          Economic interests answered by individual sellers&buyers -          S&D influences economy -          People act out of self interest; motive from profit, driving the economy Command Economy: e.g North Korea -          The Gov answers basic economic questions -          Able to act quickly and provide for ppl equally but is inefficient with no incentive to work hard/be creative -          Have to ask/survey people on wants/needs L6 GDP, GNP, NNP Explain 3 approaches in calculating GDP 1.        Output approach = Sum of P * Q 2.        Income approach = rent + wages + interest + profit  3.        Expenditure approach = C+I+G+X-M a.        Consumption, investment, gov purchases, export, import Explain the difference between GDP and GNP GDP- Total market value of all final G&S produced inside the boundary of a country regardless of the ownership of resources at a given time period GNP- Total market value of all final G&S produced by the resources of a country in a given time period regardless of where production took place Given info of real GDP and nominal GDP, calculate the GDP deflator GDP deflator = (Nominal GDP/ Real GDP) *100 Real GDP = nominal GDP/ GDP base deflator (base year should be 100) Base year should be NOMINAL GDP = REAL GDP  Because the price index in the base year always starts with 100 Explain the difference between Gross National Product GNP and Net national Product NNP Net national product = Gross (GNP)  depreciation Made with nCreator - tiplanet.org

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