
Mean-Variance Optimization with Risky Assets

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Catégorie :Category: nCreator TI-Nspire
Auteur Author: SPITZER2001
Type : Classeur 3.0.1
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Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a4333681


Fichier Nspire généré sur TI-Planet.org.

Compatible OS 3.0 et ultérieurs.

Consider the optimization program max 50 55] subject to 5025Ï = 1 and 525] d 52 Then, for every target volatility 5, the optimal portfolio is a weighted average of two portfolios (a.k.a. mutual funds) that are independent of the target: 50 = 5e(5)501 + [1  5e(5)] 502 Only the relative allocation 5e(5) depends on the target volatility. ¶ This result is one of the many mutual fund theorems in finance. ¶ First references: Cass and Stiglitz (1970); Merton (1972). ¶ If we know the compositions 501 and 502, we can calculate the optimal portfolio for any target volatility without re-doing optimization. Consider the optimization program max 50 55] subject to 5025Ï = 1 and 52 5] d 52 Let 5N = 5Ï25º15Ï, 5O = 5Ï25º15Í, 5P = 5Í25º15Í and make the following technical assumptions: 1. The covariance matrix 5º is non singular; 2. The target variance satisfies 52 e 1/5N; 3. The expected returns in 5Í are not equal across constituents. Then, the unique solution to the program is given by 50 = 5O5 5º15Í /5Ï25º15Í + [1  5O5] 5º15Ï /5Ï25º15Ï where 5 is the risk tolerance parameter, given by 5 =  5N52  1 /5N5P  5O2 If the covariance matrix 5º is non-singular, the GMV portfolio is given by 50gmv = 5º15Ï / 5Ï25º15Ï Made with nCreator - tiplanet.org

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