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Fichier Nspire généré sur TI-Planet.org.

Compatible OS 3.0 et ultérieurs.

EXO4: A company pays ¬12,000 per year to reimburse a loan at a 6% annual interest rate. with a first payment in exacty 4 years. The last payment will be made in 15 years.What is the amount of this loan?        The present value : Pv=P * (1-(1+r)^-n /  r) appliquer  : 1 étape : Pv= 12000*  ( (1-(1/06)^-12) / 0.06 ) = 100 599   2 étape : pv loan= 100599*(1.06)^-4= 79707  thats the result  EX05: A proposed Investment project has an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 14%. The initial Investment for this project is ¬50,000, paid immediately. The cash fows over the next three years are as follows: years1=22000 , years2=26000, years3= ? The project ends in year 3 and there is no further CF. Calculate the cash flow for the third year of the project. (C0=50000 ; C1=22000 ; C2=26000 ; IRR=0.14 ; n=1,2,3(Formule: C0+ C1/(1+IRR)^1 + C2/(1+IRR)^2 + C3/(1+IRR)^3 = 0 (résoudre)(-50000+ 22000/(1.14) + 26000/(1.14)^2 + C3/(1.14)^3 =   0                         C3=15846 (apres resolution)  EXO6:Two non-exclusive projects have the following projected cash flows : Projets A : year 0 : 70000 et toutes les autres 16530 ( year 1 a 6) . Projets B: year 0 :70000 et year 1/2/6 : 30500 If the required rate of retum on these projects is 10 percent, which should be chosen and why? (a)Project A and B(b)Project A but not B(c) Project B but not A(d)Not possible to decide because we don't know the cost of debt                 (For projet A : -70000/(1.1)^0 +  16530/(1.1)^1+  16530/(1.1)^2&.+16530/(1.1)^6  = NPVA=1992.46                                                                                                                                                      For projet B: -70000 /(1.1)^0 +  30500/(1.1)^1 + 30500/(1.1)^2 + 30500/(1.1)^6 = NPVB=150.33               WE shoose the  Project A and B because the two NPV>0         Made with nCreator - tiplanet.org

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