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Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a4502084


Fichier Nspire généré sur TI-Planet.org.

Compatible OS 3.0 et ultérieurs.

Introduction to Design Ergonomics’The application of scientific information concerning the relationship of human beings to design products Anthropometrics’The study of human body features such as mass, height, and volume, and is used in the design of consumer goods Two types of Measurements Static (fixed) Dynamic (moving) Percentiles’Refers to 100 equal groups to which a sample population can be divided according to the distribution of values of a particular variable. 3 Types of Ergonomics Physical Cognitive Organizational Physical Ergonomics’Often deals with the related matters of posture worksite development, and operating layout. Cognitive Ergonomics’Related to mental processes such as perception, memory, reasoning, and motor responses. Organizational ergonomics’include subjects such as communication, work hours, and management. In a workplace environment. Disadvantages of Collecting Anthropometric Data People have different body shapes Obtaining static data is very straight forward Users do not carry the same task the same way every time Examples of Dynamic Data Running Shoes Weights Psychological Ergonomics’The study of human factors affecting mental processes and behavior in design. Psychological Factor Data’Human factor data related to physical characteristics to optimize the users safety, health, comfort and performance. Adjustability’certain features of equipment or facilities that are designed so they can be altered by the user from the 5th-95th percentiles Reach’a 3 dimensional space within which you carry out physical work activities when you are in a fixed location. Clearance’the minimum distance required to enable the user group into an area Design for Adjustability’when a decision is made within a design of the product to accommodate different user group sizes Physiological Factor Data’human factor data related to physical characteristics used to optimize the user safety, health, comfort, and performance Human Information Processing Steps (in order) Sensory Central processes (Relay) Motor processes Output Comfort’How pleasing the product feels Physiological Factors’Physical and mental characteristics of a person that affect their interaction with a design. Physiological Factor Data’Human factor data related to physical characteristics to optimize the users safety, health, comfort and performance.         Made with nCreator - tiplanet.org

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