
Unit 2

File hierarchy

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Compatible OS 3.0 et ultérieurs.

Ï       2.1 Waste production Ë       Renewable resource’Resources naturally replenished within a human timescale. Ë       Examples of renewable resources         Sunlight         Plantation timber         Wind         Water         Waves         Geothermal heat. Ë       Inexhaustible renewables         Wind         Solar         Tidal energies. Ë       Wind power’Energy generated from wind using turbines to convert kinetic energy into electricity. Ë       Solar energy’Energy harnessed from sunlight using solar cells to generate electricity or heat water. Ë       Hydropower’Electricity generated using fast-moving water in rivers, harnessing its kinetic energy through turbines in dams. Ë       Tidal energy’Energy generated by the movement of water caused by tides, using dams or turbines to convert kinetic energy into electricity. Ë       Biomass & Biofuel’Biological materials, such as wood and waste, converted into energy by burning or producing biofuels. Lifespan: At least 30 years. Ë       Geothermal energy’Thermal energy from the Earth's interior, used for electricity or heating. Lifespan: 25 years. Ë       Coal’Electricity generated by burning coal in power stations, a major source of global electricity. Ë       Natural gas’Electricity produced by burning natural gas in power plants, generating about 1/4 of global electricity. Ë       Oil’Electricity generated from burning oil, similar to coal and gas operations. Ë       Nuclear energy’Energy from nuclear fission, known for high output and low emissions. Ë       Reserves’Stocks of materials available, divided into proven reserves (economically recoverable) and probable reserves (with future potential).         Proven reserves’Resources that can be extracted economically.         Probable reserves’Resources not currently viable, like gold in seawater. Ë       Renewability’Ability of a resource to renew itself faster or at a rate equal to its consumption; excessive use can reduce renewability, as seen in water and deforestation.         Depletion risk’Overuse of renewable resources can lead to desertification and species extinction.         Pollution’Pollution can make resources like water non-renewable in some areas. Ë       Waste Mitigation Strategies’Strategies to reduce or eliminate landfill disposal volume. Ë       Waste Mitigation Principles         Re-use         Recycle         Repair         Recondition         Re-engineer         Pollution/Waste reduction methodologies         Dematerialization         Product recovery strategies         Circular economy: Using waste as a resource in a closed-loop system. Ë       Circular Economy’Keeping resources in use as long as possible by regenerating products and materials, contrasting the linear economy of "make, use, dispose." Ë       Re-use in Waste Mitigation’Using a product multiple times in the same or different context, like glass bottles for storage. Ë       Repair in Waste Mitigation’Renewing or reconstructing parts of existing products, such as mending clothes, though repair is often less common due to replacement cost-effectiveness. Ë       Pollution/Waste’Production processes create pollution and waste from extraction to packaging, resulting in excess heat, exhaust, chemical discharges, and leftover packaging. Ë       Dematerialization’Using fewer materials and energy throughout a product's lifecycle, including lighter products and reducing disposal waste.   Ï       2.2 Waste mitigation strategies Ë       Waste mitigation strategies’Reduce/eliminate landfill waste through reuse, recycling, and sustainable practices. Ë       Re-use’Using a product multiple times without altering its structure, e.g., reusing glass bottles. Ë       Recycling’Convert materials from waste into new products, reducing raw material use and pollution. Ë       Repair’Renew parts of an existing product, extending its life rather than discarding it. Ë       Re-engineering’Improve products by adding new functions and tech, e.g., more efficient car aerodynamics. Ë       Waste streams’All waste generated during a products lifecycle; recycling reduces waste flow. Ë       Pollution and waste’Produced during manufacturing, transportation, and disposal, causing environmental harm. Ë       Waste management hierarchy         Prevention         Minimization         Reuse         Recycling         Energy Recovery         Disposal Ë       Dematerialization’Reduce material/energy in products by making them lighter or using eco-friendly alternatives. Ë       ELV Directive’Requires 95% of vehicle parts to be recovered or reused. Ë       WEEE Directive’Manufacturers must set up recycling systems to reduce electronic waste in landfills. Ë       Benefits of circular economy         Extend product life.         Reduce raw material demand.         Decrease landfill waste.         Encourage design improvements. Ë       Recycling vs Reusing’Recycling breaks down materials for n


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