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Catégorie :Category: nCreator TI-Nspire
Auteur Author: Jagrit
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Mis à jour Updated: 25/02/2025 - 10:33:02
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Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a4517178


Fichier Nspire généré sur TI-Planet.org.

Compatible OS 3.0 et ultérieurs.

1. Basic Semiconductor Concepts Energy Band Diagram: The energy band structure determines a material's electrical conductivity: Metal: No band gap or overlapping conduction and valence bands ’ High conductivity. Insulator: Large band gap (~8 eV) ’ No free carriers at room temperature. Semiconductor: Moderate band gap (~1 eV) ’ Conductivity increases with temperature. 1 eV = 1.6 × 10{¹y Joules. Intrinsic Silicon (Si): Group-IV element with 4 valence electrons, forms covalent bonds. At 300K (room temperature): Intrinsic carrier concentration (ni): ~1.5 × 10¹p carriers/cm³. Very low conductivity without doping. Electron-Hole Pair Generation: Thermal energy can break covalent bonds ’ frees electrons (conduction band) and creates holes (valence band). Both carriers contribute to conduction. 2. Doped Semiconductors n-type Semiconductor: Doping intrinsic Si with Group-V elements (e.g., Phosphorus, Arsenic) adds extra electrons. Donors: Atoms that donate electrons. Electron concentration (nn): nn H ND (donor density) when ND >> ni. Minority carriers: Holes with concentration pn = ni² / ND. p-type Semiconductor: Doping intrinsic Si with Group-III elements (e.g., Boron) creates holes. Acceptors: Atoms that accept electrons. Hole concentration (pp): pp H NA (acceptor density) when NA >> ni. Minority carriers: Electrons with concentration np = ni² / NA. Mass Action Law: np = ni² ’ Holds true under thermal equilibrium. 3. Charge Transport Mechanisms Drift Current: Movement of carriers due to an external electric field. Drift velocity: v_drift = ¼E Electron mobility (¼n): ~1350 cm²/V·s. Hole mobility (¼p): ~480 cm²/V·s. Current density: Jn = q·n·¼n·E (for electrons) Jp = q·p·¼p·E (for holes) Diffusion Current: Movement due to carrier concentration gradients. Current density: Jn = q·Dn·(dn/dx) (electrons) Jp = -q·Dp·(dp/dx) (holes) Dn, Dp: Diffusion coefficients for electrons and holes. Total Current: Jn_total = q·n·¼n·E + q·Dn·(dn/dx) Jp_total = q·p·¼p·E - q·Dp·(dp/dx) 4. The pn Junction Diode Formation of pn Junction: Joining n-type and p-type semiconductors. Depletion Region: Formed by recombination of electrons and holes near the junction. Depleted of free carriers but contains immobile ionized dopants. Built-in Potential (V€): V€ = (kT/q) * ln((NN)/ni²) k: Boltzmann constant (~8.62 × 10{u eV/K). q: Electron charge (~1.6 × 10{¹y C). Typical V€ for silicon: ~0.6V to 0.8V at 300K. Depletion Width (W): W = sqrt((2µ(V€ + V))/(q(N + N)/(NN))) µ: Permittivity of silicon (~11.7 × µ€). V: Applied voltage. Higher doping ’ Narrower depletion width. 5. Biasing the pn Junction Open-Circuit Condition: No external voltage applied. Drift and diffusion currents are balanced. Forward Bias: p-side connected to positive terminal. Reduces the potential barrier. Increases carrier injection ’ significant current flows. Diode equation: I = I› (e^(qV/kT) - 1) I›: Reverse saturation current (very small). Reverse Bias: p-side connected to negative terminal. Widens depletion region. Only minority carriers contribute to a small leakage current . Breakdown Mechanisms: Zener Breakdown: In heavily doped diodes. Strong electric fields break covalent bonds. Avalanche Breakdown: In lightly doped diodes. High-energy carriers trigger impact ionization. 6. Capacitance Effects in pn Junctions Depletion Capacitance (Cj): Acts like a voltage-dependent capacitor. Cj = Cj€ / (1 + V?/V€)^m V?: Reverse bias voltage. m: Grading coefficient (0.5 to 0.33). Used in Varactor Diodes for tuning circuits. 7. Key Formulas & Constants Built-in Potential: V€ = (kT/q) * ln((NN)/ni²) Diode Current Equation: I = I› (e^(qV/kT) - 1) Depletion Width: W = sqrt((2µ(V€ + V))/(q(N + N)/(NN))) Depletion Capacitance: Cj = Cj€ / (1 + V?/V€)^m Constants: q = 1.6 × 10{¹y C (electron charge) k = 8.62 × 10{u eV/K (Boltzmann constant) µ€ = 8.854 × 10{¹t F/cm (vacuum permittivity) µ› = 11.7 × µ€ (permittivity of silicon) 8. Practice Problems Examples 1. Calculate the built-in potential V€ for a silicon pn junction with N = N = 2 × 10¹v atoms/cm³ at 300K. Use V€ = (kT/q) * ln((NN)/ni²). 2. Determine the electron and hole concentrations in n-type silicon doped with 10¹v atoms/cm³. Use nn H ND and pn = ni² / ND. 3. Find the depletion width for a pn junction under reverse bias of 5V. Use W = sqrt((2µ(V€ + V?))/(q(N + N)/(NN))). Made with nCreator - tiplanet.org

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