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Catégorie :Category: nCreator TI-Nspire
Auteur Author: superrain
Type : Classeur 3.0.1
Page(s) : 1
Taille Size: 2.48 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 04/03/2025 - 12:35:31
Uploadeur Uploader: superrain (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 3
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a4523823
Type : Classeur 3.0.1
Page(s) : 1
Taille Size: 2.48 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 04/03/2025 - 12:35:31
Uploadeur Uploader: superrain (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 3
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a4523823
Fichier Nspire généré sur TI-Planet.org.
Compatible OS 3.0 et ultérieurs.
I. Types of Loads: Dead Loads: Self-weight of structural members (beams, columns, slabs, etc.) and permanently attached objects (windows, tiles). Calculated using material density and component size. Constant in magnitude and location. Live Loads: Variable loads from people, furniture, vehicles, storage, etc. Usually assumed uniform on building floors (values in building codes). Magnitude and location change. Wind Loads: Forces from moving air horizontal and uplift. Impact depends on wind speed, direction, and structure shape. Soil Loads: Pressure from soil, e.g., on retaining walls. Can cause lateral loads and contribute to landslides. Water Loads: Hydrostatic pressure from water buildup in soil or on structures like dams. Earthquake (Seismic) Loads: Ground movement causing horizontal and vertical loads. Dynamic problem considering intensity and frequency. Thermal Loads: Expansion/contraction of materials due to temperature changes, creating thermal stresses. II. Load Types by Distribution: Point Load: Concentrated force at a single point (kN). Line Load: Force distributed along a line (kN/m). Distributed Load: Force spread over an area (kN/m² or kPa). III. Effects of Loads: Dead & Live Loads: Deflection of beams/floors, settlement of foundations, partial/total collapse of structural elements. Wind Loads: Lateral deflection, toppling, lifting of structural elements (roofs, walls, windows). Soil Loads: Lateral deflection/toppling of retaining structures, landslides. Water Loads: Increased pressure on retaining structures, dam failure. Earthquake Loads: Lateral and vertical motion, damage to structural elements, collapse. Thermal Loads: Cracking due to thermal stresses. IV. Dynamic vs. Static Loads: Static Loads: Constant in time (e.g., bridge weight). Dynamic Loads: Vary with time (e.g., moving car on a bridge). Involve concepts of: Frequency (Hz): Cycles per second. Period (s): Time for one cycle. Amplitude: Maximum displacement. Mode Shapes: Patterns of motion in flexible structures. Resonance: Dangerous amplification of vibrations when load frequency matches structure's natural frequency. Mitigated by damping. Damping Ratio: Measure of energy dissipation (%). Dynamic Magnification Factor (DMF): Ratio of dynamic to static deflection. Can be >>1 at resonance. V. Structural Supports: Fixed/Clamped: No rotation or translation allowed. Pin: Rotation allowed. Roller: Rotation and translation allowed. Made with nCreator - tiplanet.org
Compatible OS 3.0 et ultérieurs.
I. Types of Loads: Dead Loads: Self-weight of structural members (beams, columns, slabs, etc.) and permanently attached objects (windows, tiles). Calculated using material density and component size. Constant in magnitude and location. Live Loads: Variable loads from people, furniture, vehicles, storage, etc. Usually assumed uniform on building floors (values in building codes). Magnitude and location change. Wind Loads: Forces from moving air horizontal and uplift. Impact depends on wind speed, direction, and structure shape. Soil Loads: Pressure from soil, e.g., on retaining walls. Can cause lateral loads and contribute to landslides. Water Loads: Hydrostatic pressure from water buildup in soil or on structures like dams. Earthquake (Seismic) Loads: Ground movement causing horizontal and vertical loads. Dynamic problem considering intensity and frequency. Thermal Loads: Expansion/contraction of materials due to temperature changes, creating thermal stresses. II. Load Types by Distribution: Point Load: Concentrated force at a single point (kN). Line Load: Force distributed along a line (kN/m). Distributed Load: Force spread over an area (kN/m² or kPa). III. Effects of Loads: Dead & Live Loads: Deflection of beams/floors, settlement of foundations, partial/total collapse of structural elements. Wind Loads: Lateral deflection, toppling, lifting of structural elements (roofs, walls, windows). Soil Loads: Lateral deflection/toppling of retaining structures, landslides. Water Loads: Increased pressure on retaining structures, dam failure. Earthquake Loads: Lateral and vertical motion, damage to structural elements, collapse. Thermal Loads: Cracking due to thermal stresses. IV. Dynamic vs. Static Loads: Static Loads: Constant in time (e.g., bridge weight). Dynamic Loads: Vary with time (e.g., moving car on a bridge). Involve concepts of: Frequency (Hz): Cycles per second. Period (s): Time for one cycle. Amplitude: Maximum displacement. Mode Shapes: Patterns of motion in flexible structures. Resonance: Dangerous amplification of vibrations when load frequency matches structure's natural frequency. Mitigated by damping. Damping Ratio: Measure of energy dissipation (%). Dynamic Magnification Factor (DMF): Ratio of dynamic to static deflection. Can be >>1 at resonance. V. Structural Supports: Fixed/Clamped: No rotation or translation allowed. Pin: Rotation allowed. Roller: Rotation and translation allowed. Made with nCreator - tiplanet.org