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Catégorie :Category: nCreator TI-Nspire
Auteur Author: Subzxro
Type : Classeur 3.0.1
Page(s) : 1
Taille Size: 1.48 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 06/03/2025 - 03:32:58
Uploadeur Uploader: Subzxro (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 2
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
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Type : Classeur 3.0.1
Page(s) : 1
Taille Size: 1.48 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 06/03/2025 - 03:32:58
Uploadeur Uploader: Subzxro (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 2
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
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Fichier Nspire généré sur
Compatible OS 3.0 et ultérieurs.
Chapter 9 Frappy Choose: H0: mean = 4.06 Ha: mean ` 4.06 ± = 0.05 where ¼ is the mean price of gas at all stations in Anne's city Conditions: One sample z test for ¼ Random: 10 randomly selected gas stations in Anne's city 10%: 10 is < 10% of all gas stations in Anne's city No clear outliers Calculate: 4.038 - 4.06 / (.0533 / sqrt(10)) = -1.31 normalCdf(-1000, -1.31, 0, 1) * 2 = .1902 Conclude: Since p = 0.1902 > 0.05 , we fail to reject the null hypothesis.We do not have sufficient evidence to conclude that the price of gas in Anne's city is different than 4.06 Made with nCreator -
Compatible OS 3.0 et ultérieurs.
Chapter 9 Frappy Choose: H0: mean = 4.06 Ha: mean ` 4.06 ± = 0.05 where ¼ is the mean price of gas at all stations in Anne's city Conditions: One sample z test for ¼ Random: 10 randomly selected gas stations in Anne's city 10%: 10 is < 10% of all gas stations in Anne's city No clear outliers Calculate: 4.038 - 4.06 / (.0533 / sqrt(10)) = -1.31 normalCdf(-1000, -1.31, 0, 1) * 2 = .1902 Conclude: Since p = 0.1902 > 0.05 , we fail to reject the null hypothesis.We do not have sufficient evidence to conclude that the price of gas in Anne's city is different than 4.06 Made with nCreator -