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Catégorie :Category: nCreator TI-Nspire
Auteur Author: ForestFire
Type : Classeur 3.0.1
Page(s) : 1
Taille Size: 3.16 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 06/03/2025 - 17:31:41
Uploadeur Uploader: ForestFire (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 3
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
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Type : Classeur 3.0.1
Page(s) : 1
Taille Size: 3.16 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 06/03/2025 - 17:31:41
Uploadeur Uploader: ForestFire (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 3
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
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Fichier Nspire généré sur
Compatible OS 3.0 et ultérieurs.
Atkinson vs. Otto Engine 1. Thermal efficiency: Atkinson > Otto 2. Output per displacement (OPD): Atkinson < Otto 3. Compression vs. Expansion ratio (Atkinson): Expansion > Compression 4. Modern engine comp. and exp. methods: Late intake valve closing SI vs. CI Engines 1. Ignition method: SI Spark plug, CI Compression 2. Combustion process: CI Const. pressure, SI Const. volume 3. Compression ratio: CI > SI Load Control: - 4S SI Engine: Air flow - 4S CI Engine: Fuel flow Engine Arrangements: - In-line: Simplest, most common. - V-engine: Two in-line banks at an angle. - Flat (Horizontally Opposed): V-engine with 180° offset. - W-engine: Three in-line banks forming "W" shape. - Radial: Cylinders in one plane, common in air-cooled aircraft. Uses a master connecting rod. - Alternative Design: Rotary Wankel engine (triangular rotor in eccentric motion). --------------------------------- Poppet valve assem: cam->cam follower->pushrod->rocker arm ->spring->value guide->value->value seat --------------------------------- FER: (Spark-Ignition) - Real vs. Ideal Combustion: Real engine cycles require finite energy release models instead of ideal constant volume/pressure assumptions. - Model: A zero-dimensional differential equation based on crank angle, used to study spark timing, heat transfer, and efficiency. - Mass Fraction Burned Curve: S-curve with three phases: ignition, rapid burning, completion. - Wiebe Function: Models combustion; double Wiebe function used for diesel. Efficiency factor (a) and burn duration (theta_d) depend on engine type and load. FER: (Comp. ignition) - Two Phases: 1. Premixed combustion (rapid burning at the fuel jet's edge). 2. Diffusion combustion (slower burning, fuel-air mixing limited). - Dual Wiebe Function: Models diesel combustion with two peaks, based on empirical engine data. P-V diagrams: Unthrottled NA otto SI: work = zero Throttled NA otto SI: work = negative Supercharged CI: positive work Made with nCreator -
Compatible OS 3.0 et ultérieurs.
Atkinson vs. Otto Engine 1. Thermal efficiency: Atkinson > Otto 2. Output per displacement (OPD): Atkinson < Otto 3. Compression vs. Expansion ratio (Atkinson): Expansion > Compression 4. Modern engine comp. and exp. methods: Late intake valve closing SI vs. CI Engines 1. Ignition method: SI Spark plug, CI Compression 2. Combustion process: CI Const. pressure, SI Const. volume 3. Compression ratio: CI > SI Load Control: - 4S SI Engine: Air flow - 4S CI Engine: Fuel flow Engine Arrangements: - In-line: Simplest, most common. - V-engine: Two in-line banks at an angle. - Flat (Horizontally Opposed): V-engine with 180° offset. - W-engine: Three in-line banks forming "W" shape. - Radial: Cylinders in one plane, common in air-cooled aircraft. Uses a master connecting rod. - Alternative Design: Rotary Wankel engine (triangular rotor in eccentric motion). --------------------------------- Poppet valve assem: cam->cam follower->pushrod->rocker arm ->spring->value guide->value->value seat --------------------------------- FER: (Spark-Ignition) - Real vs. Ideal Combustion: Real engine cycles require finite energy release models instead of ideal constant volume/pressure assumptions. - Model: A zero-dimensional differential equation based on crank angle, used to study spark timing, heat transfer, and efficiency. - Mass Fraction Burned Curve: S-curve with three phases: ignition, rapid burning, completion. - Wiebe Function: Models combustion; double Wiebe function used for diesel. Efficiency factor (a) and burn duration (theta_d) depend on engine type and load. FER: (Comp. ignition) - Two Phases: 1. Premixed combustion (rapid burning at the fuel jet's edge). 2. Diffusion combustion (slower burning, fuel-air mixing limited). - Dual Wiebe Function: Models diesel combustion with two peaks, based on empirical engine data. P-V diagrams: Unthrottled NA otto SI: work = zero Throttled NA otto SI: work = negative Supercharged CI: positive work Made with nCreator -