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Catégorie :Category: nCreator TI-Nspire
Auteur Author: NagaSol
Type : Classeur 3.0.1
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Mis en ligne Uploaded: 11/03/2025 - 05:58:24
Uploadeur Uploader: NagaSol (Profil)
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Type : Classeur 3.0.1
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Mis en ligne Uploaded: 11/03/2025 - 05:58:24
Uploadeur Uploader: NagaSol (Profil)
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Compatible OS 3.0 et ultérieurs.
Transferring energy: Heat varies if the process if allowed in open or closed systems, based on the how gasses can push its surroundings (work) First law of thermodynamics: U = q+ w (q is heat change and w is work) w=-P*dV Work is 0 when expanding in a vacuum H° = U + (PV) (sum of all reactants (based on proportion of moles) -sum of all products H a U + PV Isochoric (constant V) ENTHALPY IS MEASURED ( H) Work is 0(no pushing) U is the heat change at constant volume, Qv dU = qv Qv = dH - VdP At constant volume, Cv is heat capacity U= n*Cv*T All heat goes into kinetic energy; the ideal heat capacity of 1 mol of monatomic ideal gas is = 12.47 J/(mol*K) (3/2*R) Isobaric( constant P) INTERNAL ENERGY IS MEASURED ( U) Work is w=-P*dV H is the heat change at constant pressure Qp dH= qP Qp = dU + PdV At constant volume, Cp is heat capacity H= n*Cp*T the ideal heat capacity of 1 mol of a monatomic ideal gas is = 20.78 J/(mol*K) (5/2*R) Isothermal U= n*Cv*T=0, so work is equal to heat change *-1 (q=-w) 1 joule = 1 L*Pa Reversible work: -w=q=(n*R*T*ln(V2/V1))=(n*R*T*ln(P1/P2)) Work done against constant opposing pressure (irreversible work) w=-Pext*V (sudden increase in volume, ex opening a valve,Pext is the end pressure ) Entropy S=kB*Ln(options for state^particles) Spontaneous reactions increase disorder in the universe 5F = 5[*=56p*5Y5[(T2/T1) dS=qrev/T Entropy of a pure crystalline substance at 0 K is 0 Measures disorder in a reaction, 5F°, Larger particles > smaller particles, g>l, g>aq, aq>s, More complexity & more electrons, more entropy Massive entropy of fusion and entropy of vaporization 5F° & Hf of H3O aq and H2O (l) are the same (69.91 & -285.8) Second law of thermodynamics Entropy of the universe is the sum of the entropy of the system qsurroundings=5;5`5f5`5a5Rm Ssurroundings=-(Hsystem)/T Gibbs free energy 5: = 5; 5GS 5:°= 5;° 5GS° 5: =0 at equilibrium (NOT NECESSARILY AT 5:°!) negative=spontaneous Positive H= endothermic (taking energy from surroundings) Negative H=Exothermic (releasing energy to surroundings) (remember to reactants -products) Create chart (add in cal) Gibby Equilibrium 5: changes from 5:° if not at stp 5:=5:°+R*T*ln(P/P°) where P° is 1 atm 5: is useful as it can tell us the spontaneity of a reaction at various temps and pressure 5: = 5:° + 5E5G ln[Add equilibrium thingamabobber] At equilibrium, 5: = 0, 5:° =- 5E5G ln[Add equilibrium thingamabobber] 5:° =0 ONLY IF THE EQUILIBRIUM CONSTANT IS 1 Le Chateliers principle 5:=R*T*ln(current concentration ratio/equilibrium ratio) If positive, reaction moves reverse, if negative process moves forward. Calculating equilibrium at different temps, since G° is not constant with T R*T lnKeq = H° TS° Gibbs Free Energy graphs If reactants are higher than products the process will proceed forward, Q will be less than K Vapor Pressure Vapor pressure is constant at the same pressure, if volume increases the equilibrium changes ( since the pressure would have to be the same ratio) Boiling point is the temperature required to raise the vapor pressure to 1 atm in a closed system Clausius-Clapeyron Equation (ln(k2/k1) equation on sheet) K can be replaced with pressure remember G° = G = 0 at boiling point Normal boiling point Tboiling = H°vap/S°vap Tfreezng = H°fus/S°fus Ideal solutions When mixture exhibits very similar properties (ex Benzine and Toluene) check for analogous structures Partial pressures formula can be used to determine pressure Boiling point for an ideal mixture Graphs with boiling points and vapor pressure tell us the amount of gas and liquid molecules. A percentage is formed based on how close a dot on the graph is to the two lines (%liquid is side closer to boiling point)and molar fraction tells us how much of each particle is in each part (the parallel lines tell us the proportion in the liquid and gas Non ideal mixtures Non compatible mixtures that interact with one another (ex chloroform and acetone or water/ethanol) Nonvolatile solutes: The vapor pressure only depend of the molar fraction and pressure of the solvent (ex sucrose Effects of solutes on phase equilibrium Boiling point elevation and freezing point depression Tfreezing= -i*Kf*m Tboiling=+i*Kb*m Kb and Kf are unique to the solvent, m is moles of solute/kg of solvent Diffusion À = iMRT, i is particles of solute/moles of solute (ex normal molecules will be i=1, ions will be the number of ions formed) Solubility of a Gas in a liquid: s=kh*Pgas Find k and create a graph to solve Phase diagram Pressure vs temp, Supercritical fluids are at the top right edge, some structures have different lines with different solid structures (ex ice) Triple point is when equal amounts of solution is water liquid and gas Made with nCreator -
Compatible OS 3.0 et ultérieurs.
Transferring energy: Heat varies if the process if allowed in open or closed systems, based on the how gasses can push its surroundings (work) First law of thermodynamics: U = q+ w (q is heat change and w is work) w=-P*dV Work is 0 when expanding in a vacuum H° = U + (PV) (sum of all reactants (based on proportion of moles) -sum of all products H a U + PV Isochoric (constant V) ENTHALPY IS MEASURED ( H) Work is 0(no pushing) U is the heat change at constant volume, Qv dU = qv Qv = dH - VdP At constant volume, Cv is heat capacity U= n*Cv*T All heat goes into kinetic energy; the ideal heat capacity of 1 mol of monatomic ideal gas is = 12.47 J/(mol*K) (3/2*R) Isobaric( constant P) INTERNAL ENERGY IS MEASURED ( U) Work is w=-P*dV H is the heat change at constant pressure Qp dH= qP Qp = dU + PdV At constant volume, Cp is heat capacity H= n*Cp*T the ideal heat capacity of 1 mol of a monatomic ideal gas is = 20.78 J/(mol*K) (5/2*R) Isothermal U= n*Cv*T=0, so work is equal to heat change *-1 (q=-w) 1 joule = 1 L*Pa Reversible work: -w=q=(n*R*T*ln(V2/V1))=(n*R*T*ln(P1/P2)) Work done against constant opposing pressure (irreversible work) w=-Pext*V (sudden increase in volume, ex opening a valve,Pext is the end pressure ) Entropy S=kB*Ln(options for state^particles) Spontaneous reactions increase disorder in the universe 5F = 5[*=56p*5Y5[(T2/T1) dS=qrev/T Entropy of a pure crystalline substance at 0 K is 0 Measures disorder in a reaction, 5F°, Larger particles > smaller particles, g>l, g>aq, aq>s, More complexity & more electrons, more entropy Massive entropy of fusion and entropy of vaporization 5F° & Hf of H3O aq and H2O (l) are the same (69.91 & -285.8) Second law of thermodynamics Entropy of the universe is the sum of the entropy of the system qsurroundings=5;5`5f5`5a5Rm Ssurroundings=-(Hsystem)/T Gibbs free energy 5: = 5; 5GS 5:°= 5;° 5GS° 5: =0 at equilibrium (NOT NECESSARILY AT 5:°!) negative=spontaneous Positive H= endothermic (taking energy from surroundings) Negative H=Exothermic (releasing energy to surroundings) (remember to reactants -products) Create chart (add in cal) Gibby Equilibrium 5: changes from 5:° if not at stp 5:=5:°+R*T*ln(P/P°) where P° is 1 atm 5: is useful as it can tell us the spontaneity of a reaction at various temps and pressure 5: = 5:° + 5E5G ln[Add equilibrium thingamabobber] At equilibrium, 5: = 0, 5:° =- 5E5G ln[Add equilibrium thingamabobber] 5:° =0 ONLY IF THE EQUILIBRIUM CONSTANT IS 1 Le Chateliers principle 5:=R*T*ln(current concentration ratio/equilibrium ratio) If positive, reaction moves reverse, if negative process moves forward. Calculating equilibrium at different temps, since G° is not constant with T R*T lnKeq = H° TS° Gibbs Free Energy graphs If reactants are higher than products the process will proceed forward, Q will be less than K Vapor Pressure Vapor pressure is constant at the same pressure, if volume increases the equilibrium changes ( since the pressure would have to be the same ratio) Boiling point is the temperature required to raise the vapor pressure to 1 atm in a closed system Clausius-Clapeyron Equation (ln(k2/k1) equation on sheet) K can be replaced with pressure remember G° = G = 0 at boiling point Normal boiling point Tboiling = H°vap/S°vap Tfreezng = H°fus/S°fus Ideal solutions When mixture exhibits very similar properties (ex Benzine and Toluene) check for analogous structures Partial pressures formula can be used to determine pressure Boiling point for an ideal mixture Graphs with boiling points and vapor pressure tell us the amount of gas and liquid molecules. A percentage is formed based on how close a dot on the graph is to the two lines (%liquid is side closer to boiling point)and molar fraction tells us how much of each particle is in each part (the parallel lines tell us the proportion in the liquid and gas Non ideal mixtures Non compatible mixtures that interact with one another (ex chloroform and acetone or water/ethanol) Nonvolatile solutes: The vapor pressure only depend of the molar fraction and pressure of the solvent (ex sucrose Effects of solutes on phase equilibrium Boiling point elevation and freezing point depression Tfreezing= -i*Kf*m Tboiling=+i*Kb*m Kb and Kf are unique to the solvent, m is moles of solute/kg of solvent Diffusion À = iMRT, i is particles of solute/moles of solute (ex normal molecules will be i=1, ions will be the number of ions formed) Solubility of a Gas in a liquid: s=kh*Pgas Find k and create a graph to solve Phase diagram Pressure vs temp, Supercritical fluids are at the top right edge, some structures have different lines with different solid structures (ex ice) Triple point is when equal amounts of solution is water liquid and gas Made with nCreator -