
Where can I learn python programming online?

Where can I learn python programming online?

Unread postby chetan91 » 21 Sep 2020, 17:51

I heard many of my teachers say that It becomes essential further down life and so I wanted to be prepared. I want places where I can learn it for free, from simple and slowly turning to complex. If you would be kind enough to lend me your suggestions, I would be very grateful.

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Last edited by chetan91 on 02 Oct 2020, 15:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Where can I learn python programming online?

Unread postby Afyu » 21 Sep 2020, 18:46

chetan91 wrote:I heard many of my teachers say that It becomes essential further down life and so I wanted to be prepared. I want places where I can learn it for free, from simple and slowly turning to complex. If you would be kind enough to lend me your suggestions, I would be very grateful.


Maybe you could have a look at this, then create an account and click "Take and Learn" and start coding : https://repl.it/community/classrooms/17929

Or maybe : http://www.france-ioi.org/index.php?sLanguage=en (mainly in french)

Even maybe : https://codecombat.com/

Many challenges : https://pydefis.callicode.fr/user/liste_defis

To compete : https://www.codechef.com/

Enjoy ! :p
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