
NumWorks Perspective on the Phi Jailbreak/Omega

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Re: NumWorks Perspective on the Phi Jailbreak/Omega

Unread postby parisse » 22 Feb 2023, 18:19

clevor wrote::error: Warning: rant :error:
This calculator company has to comply with standards with testing (unless they want a lower user base). It is fair that it is hardware we bought and we get to use it, but we shouldn't get so mad over certain design changes that we could just ignore. Play with your own toys, you are not working for the company. :micro:
This is my perspective at least.

I disagree, Numworks started his business by advertising that their calculator was open source, and it never was a problem in France. Many people have brought time to improve Numworks software. I have myself invested a few months to port my CAS and other features to this calculator. And then suddenly, Numworks close everything and mislead users by locking their calculator without any warning.
If Numworks want to sell calculators in other countries with different rules, they should sell another brand of calculator. And that's what they do for Portugal.
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