Voila le script nwmac amélioré (à nommer "nwmac.sh" d'ailleurs, ça serait mieux), qui installe les choses un peu mieux, et qui s'arrête en cas d'erreur :
- Code: Select all
set -e
if [[ $(command -v brew) == "" ]]; then
echo "Installing (native) Homebrew..."
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
echo "Native Homebrew has been detected, make sure it's been updated recently!"
if [[ ! -x "/usr/local/bin/brew" ]] && [[ $(uname -m) == "arm64" ]]; then
echo "Installing x86_64 Homebrew..."
arch -x86_64 /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
echo "Installing build dependencies..."
brew install python-setuptools numworks/tap/epsilon-sdk libpng gmp mpfr mpfi
if [[ $(uname -m) == "arm64" ]]; then
arch -x86_64 /usr/local/bin/brew install libpng gmp mpfr mpfi
echo "Cloning sources..."
cd /tmp
rm -rf epsilon
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/parisseb/epsilon
cd epsilon
wget https://www-fourier.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/~parisse/numworks/ext.tar.bz2
tar xfj ext.tar.bz2
wget https://www-fourier.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/~parisse/numworks/nwsimu.tgz
tar xfz nwsimu.tgz
echo "Building..."
echo "Moving things into place..."
wget https://www-fourier.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/~parisse/khi92.tar
mv khi92.tar ~/Documents/scripts.tar
mv output/release/simulator/macos/epsilon.app /Applications
echo "epsilon.app is now available in /Applications/"
open /Applications/epsilon.app
Et aussi, merci de rajouter
ou au moins
aux appels de "make" dans "mkmac", parce que sinon ça prend vraiment trop de temps...
Ensuite, en fonction de son environnement, il peut y a des problèmes d'install / conflits, par exemple, et c'est sans doute ça qui peut tout faire foirer par la suite, donc ne pas hésiter à faire un peu de ménage auparavant... (perso, j'avais plusieurs installs de arm-none-eabi-gcc etc.)
Côté khicas, il y a pas mal de warnings de macros/defines re-définis qui encombrent le terminal, il faudrait sûrement corriger ça.
Bref, quand ça arrive au link, ça erreur de mon côté :
- Code: Select all
LD epsilon.bin
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang++ [... tous les fichiers .o ...] -arch arm64 -isysroot /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX14.5.sdk -mmacosx-version-min=10.10 -weak_framework Metal -weak_framework QuartzCore -framework CoreAudio -framework CoreVideo -framework Cocoa -framework IOKit -framework CoreFoundation -framework Carbon -framework ForceFeedback -framework AudioToolbox -rdynamic -o output/release/simulator/macos/arm64/epsilon.bin
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
"_c_det", referenced from:
_linalg_det in graphic.o
"_c_draw_arc", referenced from:
_graphic_draw_arc in graphic.o
"_c_draw_circle", referenced from:
_graphic_draw_circle in graphic.o
"_c_draw_filled_arc", referenced from:
_graphic_draw_filled_arc in graphic.o
"_c_draw_filled_circle", referenced from:
_graphic_draw_filled_circle in graphic.o
"_c_draw_filled_polygon", referenced from:
_graphic_draw_polygon_ in graphic.o
"_c_draw_line", referenced from:
_graphic_draw_line in graphic.o
"_c_draw_polygon", referenced from:
_graphic_draw_polygon_ in graphic.o
"_c_draw_rectangle", referenced from:
_graphic_draw_rectangle in graphic.o
"_c_draw_string", referenced from:
_graphic_draw_string in graphic.o
"_c_draw_string_medium", referenced from:
_graphic_draw_string in graphic.o
"_c_draw_string_small", referenced from:
_graphic_draw_string in graphic.o
"_c_egv", referenced from:
_linalg_egv in graphic.o
"_c_eig", referenced from:
_linalg_eig in graphic.o
"_c_fft", referenced from:
_linalg_fftifft in graphic.o
"_c_fill_rect", referenced from:
_graphic_clear_screen in graphic.o
_graphic_fill_rect in graphic.o
"_c_inv", referenced from:
_linalg_inv in graphic.o
"_c_pcoeff", referenced from:
_linalg_pcoeff in graphic.o
"_c_proot", referenced from:
_linalg_proot in graphic.o
"_c_rref", referenced from:
_linalg_rref in graphic.o
"_c_set_pixel", referenced from:
_graphic_set_pixel in graphic.o
"_caseval", referenced from:
_cas_caseval in graphic.o
_turtle_forward in graphic.o
_turtle_backward in graphic.o
_turtle_left in graphic.o
_turtle_pensize in graphic.o
_turtle_right in graphic.o
_turtle_reset in graphic.o
"_console_input", referenced from:
_mp_hal_input in port.o
"_console_output", referenced from:
_mp_hal_stdout_tx_strn_cooked in port.o
"_ext_main", referenced from:
Home::Controller::handleEvent(Ion::Events::Event) in controller.o
run_external_main() in external_apps.o
"_flash_filebrowser", referenced from:
_os_file_browser in port.o
"_flash_read", referenced from:
_filesize in port.o
_read_file in port.o
"_os_get_pixel", referenced from:
_graphic_get_pixel in graphic.o
"_sync_screen", referenced from:
_graphic_show_screen in graphic.o
"_turtle_freeze", referenced from:
_turtle_forward in graphic.o
_turtle_backward in graphic.o
_turtle_left in graphic.o
_turtle_pensize in graphic.o
_turtle_right in graphic.o
_turtle_reset in graphic.o
_turtle_dessine_tortue in graphic.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Pareil sur les 2 archs.
(Au passage, il y a aussi
was built for newer 'macOS' version (14.0) than being linked (10.10)
pour la libgiac, il faudrait surement passer le bon flag pour mettre la target a 10.10 (ou alors pas la mettre du tout, nulle part))