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Re: Barycentre

Unread postby marcoz » 15 Feb 2014, 16:06

I wanted to ask this program:

How many elements are there? for esample 5

If there are five elements creates a 5 x n.elements matrix and enter the data.

A1 D1 xg1 yg1 zg1
A2 D2 xg2 yg2 zg2
A3 D3 xg3 yg3 zg3
A4 D4 xg4 yg4 zg4
A5 D5 xg5 yg5 zg5

When I ask the program:

Calculate the mass of each element:

A1 * D1 = M1
A2 * D2 = M2
A3 * A3 = M3
A4 * D4 = M4
A5 * D5 = M5

I ask the program calculate the total mass

M (tot) = M1 + M2 + M3 + M4 + M5

After I asked him: Now compute the centroid

Xg=[somm(xg^i* M^i) ] / M(total)= xg1*m1+xg2*m2+xg3*m3+xg4*m4+xg5*m5 / M(tot)
Yg=[somm(yg^i* M^i) ] / M(total)= yg1*m1+yg2*m2+yg3*m3+yg4*m4+yg5*m5 / M(tot)
Zg=[somm(zg^i* M^i) ] / M(total)= zg1*m1+zg2*m2+zg3*m3+zg4*m4+zg5*m5 / M(tot)

InputStr "n. di elementi",aux

I have this matrix aux * 5 and call it maux ok? In the first column I want to insert the values ​​of A and save them in a list , how do?
For i,1,aux
InputStr "Enter A"&string(i),aux1

Last edited by marcoz on 15 Feb 2014, 16:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Barycentre

Unread postby marcoz » 15 Feb 2014, 16:14

Suppose that I insert the values
A1 = 7
A2 = 5
A3 = 2
A4 = 11
A5 = 52

At the end of the for loop I would like to save these values ​​in a list which I call for example corm

If I go home and I type in the corm I'd like to read (7,5,2,11,52)
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Re: Barycentre

Unread postby Levak » 15 Feb 2014, 18:58


I am very much confused about your posts, as most of them are composed of questions you answered yourself ...

So, if you have a question : Ask it.
All your previous ones already had an answer.

By the way, I see everywhere "Input" and "InputStr", I guess you all meant Request / RequestStr.
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Re: Barycentre

Unread postby marcoz » 15 Feb 2014, 19:38

I see to be clearer. I have attached an exercise and would like to make a program to fix it
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