
Student Software to TI-89

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Re: Student Software to TI-89

Unread postby Longines » 01 Jan 2018, 14:18

With all due respect, but the TI-89 does not have WI-Fi or Bluetooth, so you have to connect with a cable only. Is it known on the one hand that the USB plug and on the other, which Jack mono or stereo ?.
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Re: Student Software to TI-89

Unread postby Adriweb » 01 Jan 2018, 14:46

Longines wrote:With all due respect, but the TI-89 does not have WI-Fi or Bluetooth, so you have to connect with a cable only.

What? Nobody talked about wireless, For the TI-82/83/84/85/86/89/92 series, it's all through a USB cable, and with TI-Connect or TiLP on the computer software side.
(Only some recent USB calcs (mostly 84+/CE) can use TI-Connect CE)
(The only "real" wireless setup are for the Nspire (CX) with the yellow hat to connect to TI-Nspire (CX) Navigator network.)

Longines wrote:Is it known on the one hand that the USB plug and on the other, which Jack mono or stereo ?.

If you have a mini-USB <-> USB cable, then use that. Otherwise, a "Silverlink" (2.5mm jack <-> USB) cable can be used too.

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Re: Student Software to TI-89

Unread postby Longines » 01 Jan 2018, 17:28

Now everything is clear:
Install TI Connect + Silwerlink cable 2.5 mm jack. Thank you very much for the advice.
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