
[Demande] Transformée en Z

Pour le TI-Basic sur Nspire

Re: [Demande] Transformée en Z

Unread postby parisse » 02 Sep 2023, 19:25

If you can install ndless on your nspire, then install khicas and run the ztrans and invztrans commands. This should work for all nspire (cas, non CAS, cx, cx2 or mono).
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Re: [Demande] Transformée en Z

Unread postby hujt19 » 04 Sep 2023, 18:46

Thanks. I already noticed that the functions tf2ss,ss2tf and c2d from the code are also in matlab, and they perform the famous method of transformation between transfer function and state space. Learning this, I can now compute z transform via laplace transform. But it's good to know khicas has it built in.
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