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Student Software to TI-89

Unread postPosted: 30 Dec 2017, 11:07
by Longines
What is the socket in the TI-89? Calculator for?.
Is it possible to copy programs saved in TI Student Software to TI-89?.

Re: Student Software to TI-89

Unread postPosted: 31 Dec 2017, 10:30
by Hamza.S

Which programs?

Re: Student Software to TI-89

Unread postPosted: 31 Dec 2017, 11:57
by Longines
Which programs? - My own.

Re: Student Software to TI-89

Unread postPosted: 31 Dec 2017, 21:29
by Hamza.S
can you share your programs?

Re: Student Software to TI-89

Unread postPosted: 31 Dec 2017, 22:07
by Longines
Some misunderstanding.
I do not advertise my programs.
I asked a technical question as in the beginning.

Re: Student Software to TI-89

Unread postPosted: 31 Dec 2017, 22:18
by Lionel Debroux
If we could have a look at your programs, we could give you a more definitive answer about whether you can copy the programs you're interested in from TI-Nspire Student Software to the 89 (through a program editor for the TI-68k series, such as Daisuke Basic Edit or TI-Edit) :)

There are functional differences in the TI-Basic code between all TI calculator series. While the Nspire Basic is derived from the TI-89 (and similar models) Basic, some functionality available on the TI-89 is definitely unavailable on the Nspire, and vice-versa.

Re: Student Software to TI-89

Unread postPosted: 31 Dec 2017, 23:23
by Longines
Code: Select all
Define trojkat()=
:Lbl l1
:Request "podaj pole ",s: If s>0:Goto l20
:Request "podaj bok a ",a
:Request "podaj bok b ",e
:If e=0:Goto l2
:Request "podaj bok c  ",f
:If f>0:Goto l8
:Goto l3
:Lbl l2
:Request "podaj kat B ",g
:If g=0:Goto l25
:Request "podaj kat C ",h: Goto l6
:Lbl l25
:Request "podaj kat A ",k
:If k=0:Goto l25
:Lbl l26
:Request "podaj h na bok a ",h
:If h=0:Goto l26
:If h>((((a)/(2)))/(tan(((k)/(2))))):Goto l23
:Goto l8
:Lbl l3
:Request "podaj kat C ",g
:If g>0:Goto l4
:Request "podaj  kat A ",h
:Goto l5
:Lbl l4
:Goto l8
:Lbl l5
:If ((a)/(b))<e:Goto l23
:If a<e:Goto l7
:Disp "bok c=",f
:Goto l8
:Lbl l6
:Disp "bok b=, Bok c="
:Disp e
:Disp f
:Goto l8
:Lbl l7
:Disp "bok c=, lub bok c="
:Disp f
:Disp g
:Lbl l8
:If e-f≥a:Goto l23
:If e+f≤a:Goto l23
:If a-f≥e:Goto l23
:If a+f≤e:Goto l23
:If a-e≥f:Goto l23
:If a+e≤f:Goto l23
:If f>a:Goto l9
:Goto l11
:Lbl l9
:If f>e:Goto l10
:Goto l13
:Lbl l10
:If e>a:Goto l17
:Goto l15
:Lbl l11
:If e<f:Goto l16
:If e>a:Goto l12
:Goto l17
:Lbl l12
:z→a: y→f: x→e
:Goto l17
:Lbl l13
:If e>a:Goto l14
:Goto l17
:Lbl l14
:Goto l17
:Lbl l15
:Goto l17
:Lbl l16
:Lbl l17
:Disp "boki: a,b,c = "
:Disp a
:Disp e
:Disp f
:Disp "Katy; A,B,C="
:Disp d
:Disp d▶DMS
:Disp b
:Disp b▶DMS
:Disp c
:Disp c▶DMS
:Disp "dwusieczne="
:Disp i
:Disp j
:Disp k
:Disp "srodkowe="
:Disp r
:Disp m
:Disp o
:e*sin(c)→h:sin(d)→l: f*l→i: e*l→j
:Disp "wysokosci="
:Disp h
:Disp i
:Disp j
:Disp "Ro=,Rw=,pole="
:Disp s
:Disp g
:Disp n
:((a+e+f)/(2))→p: p*tan(((d)/(2)))→x
:p*tan(((b)/(2)))→y: p*tan(((c)/(2)))→z
:Disp "r poza:a,b,c="
:Disp x
:Disp y
:Disp z
:Lbl l20
:Request "podaj bok a ",a
:If a=0:Goto l24
:Request "podaj bok b ",e
:If e=0:Goto l22
:Lbl l21
:If (s*2/a/e)>1:Goto l23
:Goto l8
:Lbl l22
:Request "podaj kat B ",g
:If g=0:Goto l27
:If g=180:Goto l23
:If g>180:Goto l23
:Lbl l23
:Disp "trojkat nie istnieje"
:Lbl l24
:Request "podaj 1-kat ",d
:If d=0:Goto l24
:If d=180:Goto l23
:If d>180:Goto l23
:Lbl l27
:Request "podaj 2-kat ",b
:If b=0:Goto l27
:If b=180:Goto l23
:If b>180:Goto l23
:Lbl l28
:If d+b+c<180:Goto l23
:If d+b+c>180:Goto l23
:Goto l8
:Lbl l29
:Goto l8

These emoticons themselves were created after pasting to the page.

Re: Student Software to TI-89

Unread postPosted: 01 Jan 2018, 09:59
by Lionel Debroux
It's been over 15 years since I did serious TI-Basic programming (TI-68k), but at a quick glance, the conversion from Nspire Basic to TI-68k Basic looks reasonable.
Please try e.g. TI-Edit, as I mentioned in my previous post, and tell us how it goes :)

Re: Student Software to TI-89

Unread postPosted: 01 Jan 2018, 13:53
by Longines
Happy New Year.
I still have no answer how to send a program from my computer to TI-89.

Re: Student Software to TI-89

Unread postPosted: 01 Jan 2018, 13:57
by Adriweb
With TI-Connect 4 (not TI-Connect CE / 5) : ... connect-sw for Windows or Mac
TiLP on Linux.