
Modified Nodal Analysis

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Modified Nodal Analysis

Unread postby APoloG13 » 01 Nov 2018, 03:37

Hello everyone,

I created this topic to share a "work in progress" program i've done to calculate via the modified nodal analysis algorithm the current and tension of a circuit wich is kinda usefull for Electrical/Industrial engineering.

The "Work in progress" is because at this very moment, it only solves 2 node circuit, but the idea is to expand so it can solve more complex circuit. It's quite easy and very intuitive program with probably the worst code you have ever seen (but it works :D ).

As a quick resume of how it works, basically you answer the questions of the request windows and it will automatically solve your circuit.

As i said, not perfect a perfect program at this moment, but will continue upgrading it and I hope someone can take a look at the program code and help me to improve it, because i think i made it quite complicated and probably will be simplier and more efective coding.

Thanks for your attention and I hope it's useful.
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