
Calculation in more than one line

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Calculation in more than one line

Unread postby Kasekuchen » 22 May 2024, 22:22

hello guys,
I buy a 89 Titanium, the newer model(i think so) on the rebuy market because he can all what's are nice and helpful for my Electricelengineering course of study an he is not so clunky and has more the feeling of a calculator not like the nspire models . Now I hav it in front of me, and I had a "problem". Is it possible to type in more than in one line?
For the basic stuff the one line isn't a Problem, but when I type in more complex fractions or fractions in fractions it is a little confusing so.
When it gives no way or configuration that build in, has it a moded os or a mod for that because I am certainly not the only one with this problem.

Thanks for help
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Re: Calculation in more than one line

Unread postby Adriweb » 23 May 2024, 11:12

Natively, no, one can't input in "MathPrint", this would only be more modern calcs like the Npsire, and the 84+ series with updated OS.

However, there's Equation Writer, an app: http://www.technicalc.org/packages/eqw/eqw.htm
But I'm not sure if it's compatible with the 89 Titanium... possibly?

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