
Bugs and Request for SkinEditor of TIemu

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Bugs and Request for SkinEditor of TIemu

Unread postby compsystems » 15 Dec 2014, 17:28

Sorry for my bad English

Hi, I am creating a skin for TiEmu, but the skin editor does not work, for example skinedit autorename the title, and author, problem with the first positions of the key [hand] and lcd position :'(

Another problem is that the files stored in C:\Program Files\SkinEdit\My Skins. windows 8.1.1-OS does not allow store

SkinEdit version 1.27
http://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fi ... 33963.html

some suggestions

0: Remember recent skin and bmp read

1: Is needed 4 keys for cursor diagonally, this was to be achieved by pressing two keys cursor respectively

2: Specify the bmp path to update the graph without reedit the .skn file

3: Support layers of skin for each shift key


4: Pressing a key show the effect of pulsation, at least invert the colors

5: Allow hold keys right click, for example are used to select text with the shift key, this feature is available in Emu48 (hp48)

6: Virtual Skin Editor has the option to enlarge bitmap (half Size, Full Size, Double Size) for more presicion to select the box bottom

7: Replace the default color LCD
color green 150 190 145 #96BE91
color black 0 0 0 #000000

8: ..

My new skin for tiemu:

1: Vertical TI Voyage 200
This is a vertical version of the TIvoyage200 full keyboard shift [2nd] [Control]

More info

Last edited by compsystems on 28 Dec 2014, 05:18, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Bug SkinEditor TIemu

Unread postby Adriweb » 15 Dec 2014, 17:33

Maybe it's a compatibility problem with Windows 8 ? :(
You should try on Windows 7 (or even XP) on a VM, if you can

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Re: Bug SkinEditor TIemu

Unread postby compsystems » 15 Dec 2014, 22:07

Hello, the problem may be the GTK libraries, someone please recompile with the latest version of GTK 3.xx
Thank you

Skin editor for ti68k emulators: TIemu & VirtualTI
http://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fi ... 33963.html

PD: A skin editor for hp-prime calculator :#fou#:
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Re: Bug SkinEditor TIemu

Unread postby Adriweb » 15 Dec 2014, 23:08

GTK is not the "reference" GUI lib anymore, it would have been better if QT was used.... But meh, not possible at the time.

And, yes the prime skin editor is by Erwin Reid

Also, why are you so interested in all the skin-related things for calculators ? :P

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Re: Bug SkinEditor TIemu

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 16 Dec 2014, 07:42

Qt wasn't an option when TILP, GFM and TIEmu were made.

Switching from GTK+ 2.x to GTK+ 3.x is basically never a matter of recompiling; some changes usually need to be performed in the UI and C code. They were mostly performed in TILP, but not on GFM, TIEmu and TIEmu Skinedit... simply because TILP has more users than the three other programs.
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Re: Bug SkinEditor TIemu

Unread postby Adriweb » 16 Dec 2014, 08:08

Yep, sadly.
And it's not as if remaking/converting everything is a light task... it's all the more "impossible" to take on when we have too little spare time :P

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Re: Bug SkinEditor TIemu

Unread postby Ti64CLi++ » 16 Dec 2014, 17:29

Sur mon ordinateur, ( j'ai Windows 7), quand je lance Ti_emu, il me dit qu'il me manque plusieurs fichier .dll.
Ou trouver Ti_emu au complet avec tous ces .dll et gratuit?
Merci d'avance
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Re: Bug SkinEditor TIemu

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 16 Dec 2014, 17:31

TIEmu a besoin du runtime GTK+, soit celui de Gladewin32, soit celui de GTK-Win. Les deux projets sont sur SourceForge.
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Re: Bug SkinEditor TIemu

Unread postby Ti64CLi++ » 17 Dec 2014, 20:08

Peux-tu me donner l'adresse URL?
Merci d'avance.
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Re: Bug SkinEditor TIemu

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 17 Dec 2014, 20:23

Les URLs sont une simple application de ce que j'ai écrit :)
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