by Lionel Debroux » 15 Nov 2014, 17:57
* two-way communication between a browser and applications / filesystem on the local host has always been intentionally made hard, for security reasons. WebSockets lowered the barrier, but users would still need to download, install and run on the local host a program that acts as a WebSockets server on the one side, and as some implementation of TI calculator protocols on the other side. The emulator would have to try and connect to the WebSockets server on the local host... which may bring origin-related trouble, unless users download and install the Web-based emulator locally as well.
It's not the first time the idea of a socket-based gateway (here, WebSockets, but regular sockets would be even more interoperable) for libticables is mentioned, and it would be useful beyond the JS TI-68k emulator. However, that doesn't exist at the time of this writing, and there is clearly insufficient user interest...
* like jsTIfied, SourceCoder is tied onto the Cemetech infrastructure. Therefore, even with TI-68k support, SourceCoder wouldn't be an online version of TI-Edit.
Unlike jsTIfied, the TI-68k JS emulator created by Patrick Davidson, which I largely expanded and critor integrated into the TI-Planet archives system, exists in full-featured, standalone form, as described in our news items. But nobody cares about that TI-68k emulator...