
TI68k series calcs (20 years)

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TI68k series calcs (20 years)

Unread postby compsystems » 24 Mar 2015, 16:20

In two weeks are 20 years of being announced the ti68k series calcs


Revolutionary instructional tool combines the power of a computer lab and the independence of a calculator with capabilities that previously required expensive computers and software, TI-92 helps students explore and visualize math disciplines, make connections

DALLAS, April 6, 1995
Texas Instruments has developed a revolutionary instructional tool for high-school and college mathematics that combines the power of a computer lab and the independence of a calculator. The portable, handheld, cost-effective TI-92 delivers many capabilities that had been available only in expensive computers and mathematics software. The device also gives teachers the ability to connect mathematics disciplines in ways that have not previously been available.

Using the features and functions of the TI-92, teachers in a variety of mathematics courses can effectively turn any classroom into a computer lab at a fraction of the traditional cost. TI is introducing the TI-92 this week in Boston at the annual conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM).

Developed after years of consultation with classroom teachers and leading educators, the TI-92 fully supports the NCTM Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics. The unit handles a broad range of mathematics from algebra through calculus including interactive geometry, symbolic manipulation, statistics and 3D graphing. It incorporates all the features of the popular TI-82 Graphing Calculator.

The TI-92 is also compatible with TI's Calculator-Based Laboratory™ (CBL™) System. Together these products give students the ability to analyze real-world data and connect math and science.

"Now teachers have a tool that students can use to explore and visualize a number of math disciplines," said Dr. Bert Waits, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at The Ohio State University. "What's more, they can use the TI-92 to discover the connections between disciplines. Even expensive computer software packages haven't provided that link between the branches of mathematics.

Powerful capabilities for a variety of high-school and college math courses

TI developed the interactive geometry features of the TI-92 jointly with the creators of Cabri Geometry II [tm] software at the Université Joseph Fourier. Students can use interactive geometry to explore Euclidean, transformational and analytic geometry. The software makes it easy to build geometric constructions interactively using points, lines, triangles, polygons, circles, arcs and other basic shapes. These objects then can be translated, rotated and dilated.

TI developed the TI-92's symbolic manipulation features for algebra and calculus in a joint effort with the authors of the DERIVE® computer algebra system produced by Soft Warehouse, Inc. Once students understand the methods of factoring, they can explore expressions that otherwise would have been difficult and time-consuming.

The TI-92 graphs functions, parametric equations, polar equations, recursively defined sequences and 3D surfaces. It also performs a variety of matrix operations.

The device incorporates pretty print technology that makes even complicated mathematical equations easy to read. Rational expressions, radicals, exponents, complex numbers and absolute values appear just as they would in a printed textbook. The built-in text editor has scripting capability so users can embed mathematical information in text.

Versatile TI-92 is easy to learn, easy to use

Educators in a variety of high-school and college math courses tested the TI-92 in pilot programs during the fall of 1994. Jim Kozman, who heads the math department at Franklin Heights High School in Columbus , Ohio , is one of the instructors who was involved in the program. "The TI-92 is easy to learn and easy to use," Kozman said. "It's the next logical step for the many students and teachers who have used the TI-82 graphics calculator."

The TI-92 employs a friendly graphic user interface (GUI) like those familiar to users of Macintosh® computers and IBM® -compatible personal computers running Microsoft® Windows™.

The unit has a large, 240 x 128-pixel display that shows windows, icons, menus and pointers with high resolution (72 dots per inch). A user can split the display into separate windows to view two applications simultaneously. Users can split the display side-to-side or top-to-bottom; the two resulting windows can be sized in 1:1, 1:2 or 2:1 ratios.

The unit has a natural, ergonomic form factor that is unique for an instructional tool; it resembles many handheld, self-contained video games. "The horizontal format naturally accommodates the large, high-resolution display," said Tom Ferrio, calculator marketing manager for TI personal productivity products, "and we implemented a QWERTY keyboard to simplify the work of naming variables and editing text."

"We evaluated a number of potential designs using models, and we tested the most promising with experienced calculator and computer users who spend a lot of time using handheld products and keyboards. Users report they are comfortable holding the TI-92 or placing it on a desk or table."

The device weighs 20 ounces (567 grams) and measures 4.7 x 8.2 x 1.2 inches (11.9 x 20.8 x 3 centimeters). It has an impact-resistant snap-on cover that also serves as a three-position stand for desktop use.

The TI-92 keyboard has a logical, zoned design that separates QWERTY keys, function keys and scientific calculator keys. Function keys provide access to pull-down menus and sub-menus. The TI-92 has an eight-direction cursor key and a lock key that are used together to emulate the operation of a mouse. The keyboard terminology is similar to the TI-82.

Based on an application-specific version of the Motorola 68000 microprocessor, the TI-92 has 128K of RAM storage including a 70K user memory. The design provides robust programming capabilities and on-board help for command syntax. Power requirements are supplied by four AA-size alkaline batteries and a lithium backup cell; all are supplied.

The TI-92 has a built-in I/O port through which users can link two systems and transfer information; each device includes the required cable. With optional TI-GRAPH LINK™ software users can transfer data and programs between the TI-92 and a computer, store the information on disk or print it. Users can back up the entire TI-92 memory on the computer, and they can print any program, variable or data structure.

The TI-92 has a suggested retail price of $250. A Teacher Kit containing ten TI-92s also will be available at a suggested retail price of $2500. Dealer prices may vary.

Designed for classroom presentations, the TI-92 ViewScreen™ is a specially constructed unit with a 10-foot cable and a display panel that can be used with an overhead projector. This ViewScreen edition has a suggested retail price of $550. Dealer prices may vary. Each unit will be available from authorized TI instructional dealers beginning in the fourth quarter of 1995. TI-92 products are covered by a one-year limited warranty.

TRADEMARKS: Calculator-Based Laboratory, CBL, Graph Link, ViewScreen are trademarks of Texas Instruments Incorporated. Cabri Geometry II is a trademark of Universite' Joseph Fourier. DERIVE is a registered trademark of Soft Warehouse, Inc. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Microsoft is a registered trademark and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
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