Project Release: FPGA as TI Link cable. (Verilog)
Posted: 13 Oct 2020, 09:35
Use an FPGA to link your computer with your TI calculator. Faster than TI cables, MIT license.
It is written in verilog and does not use vendor libraries, therefore it should work on pretty much any dev board that can do 3.3v. I've developed this with an iCEstick and a TinyFPGA BX using the yosys+nextpnr stack.
It's been tested on ti89 and v200 as they're the ones I have. It seems no less reliable than the grey and silver cables I have, and dramatically faster.
Please give it a try if you're able.
It is written in verilog and does not use vendor libraries, therefore it should work on pretty much any dev board that can do 3.3v. I've developed this with an iCEstick and a TinyFPGA BX using the yosys+nextpnr stack.
It's been tested on ti89 and v200 as they're the ones I have. It seems no less reliable than the grey and silver cables I have, and dramatically faster.
Please give it a try if you're able.