CEmu v1.1 - Emulateur TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium CE
Posted: 26 Aug 2018, 18:13
La version 1.1 de CEmu est enfin sortie !
Oui, après la v1.0, ça fait quelques mois qu'elle est en préparation et que certains utilisaient les versions de développement (pas toujours très stables...), mais cette fois ci c'est officiel, la release est disponible en téléchargement
Au menu, beaucoup d'améliorations, corrections de bug, et pas mal d'ajouts mineurs. C'est en fait ce qui en fait une version "1.1" et non "2.0". Un changement majeur de version serait dû à une nouvelle fonctionnalité majeure (et il y en a plusieurs de prévu, les versions 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, et même 5.0 sont plus ou moins déjà tracées)
- Handling of invalid ROM types (for example, if a non-CE ROM is loaded)
- Setting to choose the update rate of the FPS and emulation speed indicators
- New `no-settings` CLI argument (in order not to load or save them)
- Ability to force-redistribute the panes by double-clicking on their borders
- FP and OP stacks viewer/editor (new pane), assuming normal OS execution
- Message types and colors support in the console pane
- TI-Basic syntax highlighting added to the variable viewer
- GetStringInput var ('$') support in the variables pane
- Button to toggle the ASCII side of the memory view
- Support for transferring bundle files (.b83/.b84)
- Added more icons everywhere
- Full screen modes (F11 key)
GUI improvements
- Better layouting behaviour of some panes regarding resizing and extra space/margin
- Use a more appropriate location for the FPS indicator (bottom right of the status bar)
- Use a higher-resolution icon set
- The bottom corners of the keypad are now rounded
- Append the git SHA next to the CEmu version labels
- Updated the about window with more credits and better layout
- The memory and stack views now support infinite scroll
- Dock grouping is now optional and togglable in the settings
Other improvements
- Check write permissions on the settings folder and use portable configuration as fallback
- Use a more appropriate path for settings storage
- Try to migrate as many settings as possible between versions
- The disassembler code has been replaced by a new one written from scratch by @jacobly0, zdis
- The built-in memory view code has been rewritten and is now much shorter and to the point
- The built-in console has been revamped, it supports more things and is faster now
- Simplified and reworked debugging-related code in the core (stepping, watch/breakpoints...)
- Improved variable content preview support (underlying library updated)
- Improved timer-related code in the core
- Improved OS keypad scanning hardware-like accuracy
- Qt 5.10.1 + a newer MSVC version are now used to build the default Windows binaries
Bug fixes
- Don't show the no-update-available popup for the auto-check *(was already backported into 1.0)*
- Fix portable mode behavior and paths (especially on macOS)
- Fix invisible new "Memory view" window *(Windows-only bug)*
- Fix various threading related issues
- Fix incorrect screen recording speed
- Fix floating windows' behaviour and default look
- Fix sorting issue with the state list
- Fix CLI sending and use a delay compatible with old ROMs
- Fix state restoring conflicting with translations
- Fix incorrect interrupt trigger on a specific LCD condition
- Fix LCD displaying garbage data under specific conditions when SPI was used
- Fix LCD dock being cropped off by 1 pixel at the top in some conditions
CEmu Download (Windows, macOS, et Linux) : https://tiplanet.org/forum/archives_voir.php?id=133742 (via GitHub)
As for the source code (but also feedback and bug reporting), it's right here.
As for the source code (but also feedback and bug reporting), it's right here.
Téléchargement de CEmu (Windows, macOS, et Linux) : https://tiplanet.org/forum/archives_voir.php?id=133742 (via GitHub)
Pour le code source (et feedback, bug report...), ça se passe par ici.
Pour le code source (et feedback, bug report...), ça se passe par ici.