CEmu v1.2 - Emulateur TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium CE
Posted: 24 Dec 2018, 15:57
La version 1.2 de CEmu est sortie !
(il y a un peu moins de 15 jours, certes)
(il y a un peu moins de 15 jours, certes)
Il y a 6 mois, la version 1.1 était sortie, avec beaucoup d'améliorations et de corrections, ainsi que quelques nouveautés relativement mineures. C'est au tour de la 1.2 maintenant !
Nul doute que certains aient pu profiter des builds de développement disponibles automatiquement, mais cette fois ci, la release v1.2 est officielle et disponible sur GitHub / le repo (pour linux).
Comme avant, on trouvera au menu des améliorations, corrections de bug, et quelques ajouts - ceux ci un peu dans le core, mais particulièrement côté interface.
A priori, ça sera la dernière version de la lignée "v1" - la prochaine sera normalement une mise-à-jour majeure, avec un passage en v2.0. (je rappelle que le planning "macro" est visible ici).
Bref, voici le changelog
- You can now toggle highlighting/wrapping/formatting in the variable previewer
- Support for the "temporary equation" var format has been added to the var list/previewer
- RAM can now be imported/exported as well
- New button to directly take a screenshot into the clipboard
- You can now drag'n'drop from the LCD to somewhere else to export a screenshot
- Core: implemented SPI write memory.
GUI improvements
- The variable list's previewer uses jacobly0's TI-like font
- The scroll position is kept as much as possible in the variable previewer
- Much better handling of touch-enabled laptop displays
- The keypad history window is now a dock, solving some minor issues
- On macOS, if you build with Qt 5.12+, Xcode 10 and a 10.14 SDK, dark mode is supported (watch out)
Other improvements
- Core: better random-read performance (unmapped areas...)
- TI-Bundle support has been fully reworked to be much simpler
- The autotester can now handle the new libs group format
- The autotester, when in debug mode, dumps memory upon failure
- Misc. GUI code cleanup
Bug fixes
- Added some missing tokens to the TI-Basic syntax highlighter
- Cleaned up threading code and fixed race condition causing random emulation perma-freezes
- Fixed docks possibly growing/moving a bit after reopening CEmu
Build-related improvements
- For Windows, the MSVC builds (AppVeyor) now use Qt 5.11, and MinGW builds (Jacobly) Qt 5.12
- For macOS, builds now use Qt 5.12
- Travis and AppVeyor CI build processes got simplified and are now faster
- Linux builds on OBS now also have binaries for Fedora 29 and Ubuntu 18.10
CEmu Download (Windows, macOS, et Linux) : https://tiplanet.org/forum/archives_voir.php?id=133742 (via GitHub) - (direct link)
As for the source code (but also feedback and bug reporting), it's right here.
Merry Christmas a bit early
As for the source code (but also feedback and bug reporting), it's right here.
Merry Christmas a bit early
Téléchargement de CEmu (Windows, macOS, et Linux) : https://tiplanet.org/forum/archives_voir.php?id=133742 (via GitHub) - (lien direct)
Pour le code source (et feedback, bug report...), ça se passe par ici.
Joyeux Noël un peu en avance
Pour le code source (et feedback, bug report...), ça se passe par ici.
Joyeux Noël un peu en avance