
Demo de Jumpman 0.81...

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Re: Demo de Jumpman 0.81...

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 02 Feb 2013, 08:26

Le niveau "Grand Puzzle 1" est fait, portant le nombre de niveaux à 25.
Dans ce niveau, on peut construire des échelles et gagner des points de bonus... mais attention aux bombes mouvantes :)

Dans le screenshot précédent, on peut voir l'utilisation de la nouvelle police basées sur la police Apogee des années 1990, quand une bombe entraînant la distribution de points de bonus est ramassée:
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Re: Demo de Jumpman 0.81...

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 02 Feb 2013, 18:52

La police est utilisée dans le nouveau niveau "Spellbound", où pour avoir des points de bonus, il faut épeler le mot ou la phrase correctement :)

Source: http://www.omnimaga.org/index.php?topic ... #msg282876
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Re: Demo de Jumpman 0.81...

Unread postby Ranman » 04 Feb 2013, 04:51

Thank you Lionel for updating TI Planet with my Jumpman progress! :)

Je viens de finir le dernier niveau de Jumpman Junior, qui s'appelle Walls (murs):
I just completed the last level of Jumpman Junior. It is called Walls:


Les murs peuvent déplacer le personnage, mais ils ne sont pas inpénétrables. On peut marcher contre le mur, ou sauter contre le mur, pour passer
The walls can push you around, but they are not impenetrable. You can walk or jump against the wall to push through it. :)
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Re: Demo de Jumpman 0.81...

Unread postby Ranman » 18 Feb 2013, 04:19

Can macros (#define) be defined in TPR project files (used by TIGCC/GCC4TI)?
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Re: Demo de Jumpman 0.81...

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 18 Feb 2013, 08:31

Yup, through two methods:
* in the compiler flags, with -DDEFINE(=optionalvalue);
* on the tprbuilder command line, since a patch of mine (originally triggered by the need to have my TPR-converted builds of TICT-Explorer be more maintainable than having to make no less than 12 different TPRs to cope with the tooling's limitations...), using the same -DDEFINE(=optionalvalue) syntax.
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Re: Demo de Jumpman 0.81...

Unread postby Ranman » 19 Feb 2013, 04:25

Thanks a bunch Lionel. It didn't work exactly how you said, but it got me on the right track.

What I found out is that a macro such as this:

#define JM_INTERMEDIATE_9_14

Must be defined in the compiler options like this:


Which happens to be identical to the Greenhills AdaMulti GPJ build files.

One more question... Can GCC4TI be configured to generate the entire command line for a particular TPR file? I would love to build my multiple Jumpman level projects via the command line. This may seem like a silly question, other than GCC4TI I don't have much experience with GCC projects via the command line -- kinda embarrassing. LOL
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Re: Demo de Jumpman 0.81...

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 19 Feb 2013, 07:47

Can GCC4TI be configured to generate the entire command line for a particular TPR file?

tprbuilder -v, IIUC ?

I would love to build my multiple Jumpman level projects via the command line. This may seem like a silly question, other than GCC4TI I don't have much experience with GCC projects via the command line -- kinda embarrassing. LOL

Knowing how to invoke a compiler is useful in general, and it may just make your program easier to maintain if you have nontrivial build requirements, for which TPRs fall short in a number of ways. I converted too many TICT projects to TPRs, before I faced their limitations (which had been announced by others in the community, but I didn't take their input into account).
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Re: Demo de Jumpman 0.81...

Unread postby Ranman » 20 Feb 2013, 04:51

Lionel Debroux wrote:
Can GCC4TI be configured to generate the entire command line for a particular TPR file?

tprbuilder -v, IIUC ?

Once again... A big thank you Lionel. It worked exactly as you described.

And now I understand what you were saying about passing macros into tprbuilder via the -D[DEFINE] option.

I feel like a dog that just learned a new trick. LOL

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Re: Demo de Jumpman 0.81...

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 20 Feb 2013, 08:32

Une paire de screenshots montrant les packs de niveaux en cours de construction, postés par Dave sur Omnimaga:

Image Image
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Re: Demo de Jumpman 0.81...

Unread postby Loulou 54 » 20 Feb 2013, 17:30

Sympa ! :)

Bonne continuation à Ranman ! ;)
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