Vogtinator wrote:Hayleia wrote:Comment Ndless détecte si le programme doit utiliser la couche de compatibilité ou pas ?
Parce que si j'édite mon programme avec un if (lcd_type()==truc) pour écrire dans le bon sens mais que Ndless fait encore son truc derrière, ça sert à rien.
The genzehn tool detects the use of lcd_init and lcd_blit (not lcd_type!) and switches on two flags in the file, whether lcd_blit is used and whether HW-W is supported. Building a program that does not appear to support HW-W will result in a warning.
The switches in question:
and uses-lcd-blit
(both to be used with "--" in front of them).See https://github.com/ndless-nspire/Ndless ... pp#L65-L66
This should probably be documented somewhere