parisse wrote:BTW, I'm reinstalling the toolchain and firebird, but I can't find any documentation on how to use firebird to debug (well there is not much documentation on firebird in general
There is some documentation on the GitHub wiki ( and scattered around on hackspire ( If you need help, just ask here.
For debugging, just start the emulation, install Ndless and connect gdb ("arm-none-eabi-gdb <file>.elf", "(gdb) target remote :3333", "(gdb ) break main", "(gdb) continue") and run the application.
BTW: If the binary (uncompressed Zehn + .bss) is bigger than 8MiB, the limit needs to be increased in Ndless to allow debugging.
, I lost a full hour before I could send a file to the emulator, and I'm not sure it's the best way to do it.
I failed as UI designer
Please tell me how that can be improved! I'm planning to improve major parts of the UI (especially settings and file transfer) and I really don't want to repeat the same mistakes again.
That's unfortunate because it seems to be more powerful than the previous nspire-emu).
It's also intended to be more user-friendly than nspire_emu, which required commandline invocations to set up a single flash.