
KhiCAS, le moteur formel Giac/Xcas pour toutes TI-Nspire

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Re: KhiCAS, le moteur formel Giac/Xcas pour toutes TI-Nspire

Unread postby esel4132_ » 25 Jul 2023, 02:19

Unfortunately, that's the thing. Most of the times when it reboots, I am not even operating the calculator. There have been a few times it reboots when I'm using it, but it's completely random from what I've observed. I will try and attach a video of the rebooting process.
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Re: KhiCAS, le moteur formel Giac/Xcas pour toutes TI-Nspire

Unread postby Adriweb » 25 Jul 2023, 08:03

A video of the rebooting itself won't be helpful sadly enough. Does it happen after a "long" time left alone on its own?

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Re: KhiCAS, le moteur formel Giac/Xcas pour toutes TI-Nspire

Unread postby esel4132_ » 25 Jul 2023, 15:11

It definitely reboots a decent while after I open the application, not necessarily a long time when left alone. Even if I was using the device without idling it, it would still reboot. It's almost as if it reboots after a certain time on average. Unfortunately, that's probably the only description about any triggering steps that I can give. I am trying to understand what else may cause it.
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Re: KhiCAS, le moteur formel Giac/Xcas pour toutes TI-Nspire

Unread postby esel4132_ » 28 Jul 2023, 09:49

As a follow-up, I looked into a few posts online. I found that in problems regarding crashes, the nspirelogs were asked sometimes. This is the one file that i WAS able to find. Hopefully, it is of some use in being able to identify the error.
Thank you
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Re: KhiCAS, le moteur formel Giac/Xcas pour toutes TI-Nspire

Unread postby parisse » 28 Jul 2023, 10:44

I'm not used to nspire logs. I can extract instruction addresses from exceptions* files:
Code: Select all
C261_exception_1.txt:Instruction Address: 0x108A99AC
C261_exception_1.txt:Instruction Address: 0x13000004
C261_exception_1.txt:Instruction Address: 0x108A99AC
C261_exception_2.txt:Instruction Address: 0x108A99AC
C261_exception_2.txt:Instruction Address: 0x124343AC
C261_exception_2.txt:Instruction Address: 0x108A99AC
C261_exception_2.txt:Instruction Address: 0x108A99AC
C261_exception_3.txt:Instruction Address: 0x108B1668
C261_exception_3.txt:System Error: Undefined Instruction
C261_exception_3.txt:Instruction Address: 0x12480E88
C261_exception_3.txt:Instruction Address: 0x108A99AC
C261_exception_4.txt:Instruction Address: 0x108B1668
C261_exception_4.txt:Instruction Address: 0x108B1668
C261_exception_4.txt:Instruction Address: 0x108B1668
C261_exception_4.txt:Instruction Address: 0x108B1668
C261_exception_5.txt:Instruction Address: 0x124371B0
C261_exception_5.txt:System Error: Undefined Instruction
C261_exception_5.txt:Instruction Address: 0x10417380
C261_exception_5.txt:Instruction Address: 0x13000004

Locating where they are in RAM (OS copy or khicas image) may help.
The files with high numbers corresponds to version 5.3 of the OS, the files with low numbers to version 5.2, this suggests that you have downgraded your nspire, probably with backspire, is this correct?
Did you run the lua gui application or the shell interface version of KhiCAS?
I don't know what Data fault status means, it is most of the time 1, a few times 5.
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Re: KhiCAS, le moteur formel Giac/Xcas pour toutes TI-Nspire

Unread postby esel4132_ » 28 Jul 2023, 15:34

Yes, I did use backspire to downgrade from 5.3 to 5.2. I did so when I saw a KhiCAS version on your website corresponding specifically to 5.2, so I thought it could fix my crashes. Unfortunately, the reboots are still happening with the same frequency... I run the lua application as it seems more user-friendly and is similar to the stock nspire UI as well, allowing me to carry on my calculations in a quicker way.
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Re: KhiCAS, le moteur formel Giac/Xcas pour toutes TI-Nspire

Unread postby parisse » 28 Jul 2023, 17:15

could you check if the crash happens with the shell version ?
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Re: KhiCAS, le moteur formel Giac/Xcas pour toutes TI-Nspire

Unread postby esel4132_ » 28 Jul 2023, 18:13

It doesn't seem to happen on the shell version! But the interface does seem like it will take some getting used to. Thanks a lots for your time!
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Re: KhiCAS, le moteur formel Giac/Xcas pour toutes TI-Nspire

Unread postby parisse » 29 Jul 2023, 07:11

Then it's an interaction crash with the OS GUI, perhaps when the OS tries to enter sleep mode.

There is a learning curve with the shell version, but you can do much more.
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Re: KhiCAS, le moteur formel Giac/Xcas pour toutes TI-Nspire

Unread postby parisse » 30 Sep 2023, 12:34

Je viens de mettre en ligne un update de KhiCAS pour
Le principal changement visible, c'est l'affichage d'un QR code lorsqu'on sauvegarde sa session. Ce QR code permet de cloner sa session de travail vers la version web de Xcas.
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