L'application iPad TI-Nspire !
Posted: 06 Feb 2013, 23:51
(Available in English et en Français)
Bonjour tout le monde,
Aujourd'hui est un grand jour !
En effet, TI s'apprête à sortir ce jeudi 7 février 2013 ses applications TI-Nspire pour iPad (versions CAS et non-CAS, comme les machines physiques, donc).
C'est un grand jour, disais-je donc, car en effet, TI répond enfin à l’évolution en cours du marché/secteur de l'éducation vers un monde beaucoup plus numérique et mobile... sur des plateformes plus communes, puissantes, ouvertes aux applications tierces, connectées...
TI s'adapte donc au changement de moeurs de plus en plus d'étudiants et d'écoles qui ont déjà intégré des solutions plus complètes pour l'enseignement, comme l'iPad (qui dispose sur son App Store de beaucoup d'applications à but éducatif, par exemple).
On avait déjà vu récemment avec Steve Arnold (en coopération avec Jim Bauwens qu'on ne présente plus), une couche Nspire-Lua pour un interpréteur Lua en Javascript, qui permet d'exécuter assez de code Nspire-Lua pour pouvoir lancer des applications et jeux originellement faites pour les TI-Nspire, et ceci sur n'importe quelle plateforme assez puissante supportant le Javascript (donc entre autre les tablettes), mais c'est ici une réimplémentation native complète de tout l'écosystème (Calculatrice, Graphiques&Géométrie, Tableur, Notes...) de la TI-Nspire qui est disponible sur votre tablette ! Transférez-y directement vos fichiers .tns comme sur votre TI-Nspire physique, et vous profiterez de votre contenu habituel, mais, entre autres, sur un écran de meilleur qualité !
Une autre bonne nouvelle ? La version CAS et la version non-CAS sont au même prix : 29,99$ !
Description officielle de l'application TI-Nspire CAS pour iPad :
Nul doute qu'une version pour les tablettes sous Android devrait arriver à un moment ou à un autre. En effet, même si l’iPad se vend toujours bien, les ventes de tablettes Android rattrapent les ventes d’iPad, suivant ainsi l’évolution qui a rendu nettement minoritaires les ventes de smartphones sous iOS ces derniers mois.
EDIT : C'est visible publiquement sur le profil LinkedIn de Geetha Ram, Executive Director, Education Technology Product Development (haut placée ) : "exciting interactive math and science teaching and learning product (TI-Nspire™) on multiple platforms (i.e., PC, MAC, iPads, Android Tablets)"
Texte de la press release (en anglais pour le moment) :
Liens :
- Site officiel avec plus de détails
- Application TI-Nspire non-CAS pour iPad
- Application TI-Nspire CAS pour iPad
- Les autres applications iOS de TI
- Vidéos tutoriels à propos de l'application, par Atomic Learning
- "L'application iPad TI-Nspire pour les nuls"
- Une autre analyse sur Cemetech
Aujourd'hui est un grand jour !
En effet, TI s'apprête à sortir ce jeudi 7 février 2013 ses applications TI-Nspire pour iPad (versions CAS et non-CAS, comme les machines physiques, donc).
C'est un grand jour, disais-je donc, car en effet, TI répond enfin à l’évolution en cours du marché/secteur de l'éducation vers un monde beaucoup plus numérique et mobile... sur des plateformes plus communes, puissantes, ouvertes aux applications tierces, connectées...
TI s'adapte donc au changement de moeurs de plus en plus d'étudiants et d'écoles qui ont déjà intégré des solutions plus complètes pour l'enseignement, comme l'iPad (qui dispose sur son App Store de beaucoup d'applications à but éducatif, par exemple).
On avait déjà vu récemment avec Steve Arnold (en coopération avec Jim Bauwens qu'on ne présente plus), une couche Nspire-Lua pour un interpréteur Lua en Javascript, qui permet d'exécuter assez de code Nspire-Lua pour pouvoir lancer des applications et jeux originellement faites pour les TI-Nspire, et ceci sur n'importe quelle plateforme assez puissante supportant le Javascript (donc entre autre les tablettes), mais c'est ici une réimplémentation native complète de tout l'écosystème (Calculatrice, Graphiques&Géométrie, Tableur, Notes...) de la TI-Nspire qui est disponible sur votre tablette ! Transférez-y directement vos fichiers .tns comme sur votre TI-Nspire physique, et vous profiterez de votre contenu habituel, mais, entre autres, sur un écran de meilleur qualité !
Une autre bonne nouvelle ? La version CAS et la version non-CAS sont au même prix : 29,99$ !
Description officielle de l'application TI-Nspire CAS pour iPad :
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Texas Instruments, l'un des fournisseurs incontournables du marché des calculatrices et des logiciels éducatifs, propose la plus puissante application de calcul formel (CAS) tout-en-un satisfaisant les besoins pédagogiques essentiels des étudiants à partir du Lycée et jusqu'au Supérieur.
• Transformez votre iPad en calculatrice grâce à la seule application iPad offrant des capacités aussi bien algébriques que numériques, en plus de fonctionnalités graphiques complètes, de données et de statistiques, de listes, de feuilles de calcul, de géométrie et de notes !
• Touchez les mathématiques (littéralement parlant !) grâce à l'écran tactile et intuitif de votre iPad et manipulez des graphiques, des tableaux et des objets géométriques sur le bout des doigts !
• Des fonctionnalités avancées qui vous permettent de créer des documents, de les enregistrer facilement en tant que fichiers sur un ordinateur, et de les envoyer par e-mail, DropBox ou toute autre technologie de partage de fichiers.
• Bénéficier au maximum de votre achat grâce à la seule application contenant des activités d’apprentissage et des contenus pédagogiques GRATUITS.
• « Écrivez » les mathématiques de manière correcte à l’aide de modèles innovants et conviviaux vous garantissant que les équations apparaissent à l’écran soient identiques à leur apparence dans les livres.
• Rendez les mathématiques plus éloquentes en important des images depuis l’appareil photo ou la bibliothèque photo de l’iPad, et en y superposant des graphiques et des équations illustrant des principes mathématiques abstraits dans le monde réel.
La division de technologie éducative de TI se consacre à la réussite des étudiants en mathématiques en leur fournissant, ainsi qu’à leurs enseignants, les outils d’apprentissage avancés conçus en collaboration avec des éducateurs et des chercheurs renommés.
En plus de la technologie d’enseignement de pointe, TI offre également aux enseignants un développement professionnel de classe mondiale, ainsi que des activités et des contenus pédagogiques gratuits.
Pour en savoir plus sur l’app TI-Nspire CAS pour iPad, veuillez consulter notre site web local.
• Transformez votre iPad en calculatrice grâce à la seule application iPad offrant des capacités aussi bien algébriques que numériques, en plus de fonctionnalités graphiques complètes, de données et de statistiques, de listes, de feuilles de calcul, de géométrie et de notes !
• Touchez les mathématiques (littéralement parlant !) grâce à l'écran tactile et intuitif de votre iPad et manipulez des graphiques, des tableaux et des objets géométriques sur le bout des doigts !
• Des fonctionnalités avancées qui vous permettent de créer des documents, de les enregistrer facilement en tant que fichiers sur un ordinateur, et de les envoyer par e-mail, DropBox ou toute autre technologie de partage de fichiers.
• Bénéficier au maximum de votre achat grâce à la seule application contenant des activités d’apprentissage et des contenus pédagogiques GRATUITS.
• « Écrivez » les mathématiques de manière correcte à l’aide de modèles innovants et conviviaux vous garantissant que les équations apparaissent à l’écran soient identiques à leur apparence dans les livres.
• Rendez les mathématiques plus éloquentes en important des images depuis l’appareil photo ou la bibliothèque photo de l’iPad, et en y superposant des graphiques et des équations illustrant des principes mathématiques abstraits dans le monde réel.
La division de technologie éducative de TI se consacre à la réussite des étudiants en mathématiques en leur fournissant, ainsi qu’à leurs enseignants, les outils d’apprentissage avancés conçus en collaboration avec des éducateurs et des chercheurs renommés.
En plus de la technologie d’enseignement de pointe, TI offre également aux enseignants un développement professionnel de classe mondiale, ainsi que des activités et des contenus pédagogiques gratuits.
Pour en savoir plus sur l’app TI-Nspire CAS pour iPad, veuillez consulter notre site web local.
Nul doute qu'une version pour les tablettes sous Android devrait arriver à un moment ou à un autre. En effet, même si l’iPad se vend toujours bien, les ventes de tablettes Android rattrapent les ventes d’iPad, suivant ainsi l’évolution qui a rendu nettement minoritaires les ventes de smartphones sous iOS ces derniers mois.
EDIT : C'est visible publiquement sur le profil LinkedIn de Geetha Ram, Executive Director, Education Technology Product Development (haut placée ) : "exciting interactive math and science teaching and learning product (TI-Nspire™) on multiple platforms (i.e., PC, MAC, iPads, Android Tablets)"
Texte de la press release (en anglais pour le moment) :
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Texas Instruments unveils breakthrough TI-Nspire Apps for iPad®
TI extends its most powerful graphing technology into apps
that will change the way students visualize, engage and interact with math
Now available on the App Store
DALLAS (February 20, 2013) – Texas Instruments (TI), the most trusted brand in graphing calculator technology, “took a major step forward in our mission to improve student understanding and achievement in mathematics” with the release today of two new innovative apps: TI-Nspire™ App for iPad and TI-Nspire™ CAS App for iPad, said Melendy Lovett, president of Texas Instruments Education Technology.
“The apps fill a critical need for an all-in-one math teaching and learning tool designed specifically for the iPad,” said Lovett. “TI is extending the proven benefits of TI-Nspire technology to the tablet platform. TI’s goals are to provide educators with the most powerful math apps for the iPad and to engage students while helping them reach a deeper conceptual understanding of math. Beyond the new Apps for iPad, TI continues to support teachers by providing world-class professional development, and access to free classroom-ready activities for use with the TI-Nspire Apps for iPad; activities can be integrated seamlessly into curriculum and are available at TI’s Math Nspired website.”
The TI-Nspire Apps for iPad were designed and refined in collaboration with researchers and classroom teachers, including Stephanie Ogden, Dean of Research and Development at L&N STEM Academy in Knoxville, TN, who also teaches Pre-Calculus, AP* Calculus, AP* Statistics and STEM.
“The TI-Nspire Apps for iPad are truly transparent technology, allowing students to touch and interact with math with little awareness of the tool in their hands. Students experience mathematics more directly and they are beyond engaged—they are excited about learning,” Ogden said.
Unique features of the apps, which meet critical curriculum needs from 7th grade through college, include:
- All-in-one functionality for performing calculations in proper math notation; graphing and exploring functions, equations and inequalities; constructing and exploring geometric figures; creating, plotting and analyzing data in lists and spreadsheets.
- Interactive keyboard that toggles between math notation and QWERTY configurations for placing notes and instructions alongside problems.
- Dynamically linked multiple representations of problems that encourage students to make crucial connections by observing how equations change as they touch and interact with shapes, graphs and objects on the screen.
- Familiar operations for creating and saving documents and sharing them using email, iTunes®, and other file sharing options.
- Interaction with the built-in iPad camera interface that enables students to take photos, import them into the app and overlay graphs and equations on them to illustrate abstract math principles in the physical world.
In addition, the TI-Nspire CAS App for iPad has a powerful built-in Computer Algebra System (CAS) which enables students to symbolically solve equations, factor and expand variable expressions, complete the square, find derivatives, compute limits, find exact solutions in irrational form and much more.
TI-Nspire Apps for iPad will be featured in two full days of workshops and break-out sessions at the 2013 T3 International Conference held March 8-10 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The TI-Nspire App for iPad and TI-Nspire CAS App for iPad are available for $29.99 each from the App Store on iPad or at http://www.AppStore.com. Teachers are eligible to receive a free, one-year license of the TI-Nspire and TI-Nspire CAS Teacher Software with purchase of one of the TI-Nspire Apps for iPad. Detailed information about the TI-Nspire Apps for iPad, including a brief video overview, is available at http://education.ti.com/ipad .
About Texas Instruments
Education Technology, a business of Texas Instruments, provides a wide range of tools connecting the classroom experience with real-world applications, helping students and teachers to explore mathematics and science interactively. TI’s products and services are tested vigorously against recognized third-party research, which shows that the effective use of graphing calculators improves the mathematical skills of students and their attitudes toward mathematics. For more information, visit http://www.education.ti.com.
Texas Instruments semiconductor innovations help 90,000 customers unlock the possibilities of the world as it could be – smarter, safer, greener, healthier and more fun. Our commitment to building a better future is ingrained in everything we do – from the responsible manufacturing of our semiconductors, to caring for our employees, to giving back inside our communities. This is just the beginning of our story. Learn more at http://www.ti.com.
Liens :
- Site officiel avec plus de détails
- Application TI-Nspire non-CAS pour iPad
- Application TI-Nspire CAS pour iPad
- Les autres applications iOS de TI
- Vidéos tutoriels à propos de l'application, par Atomic Learning
- "L'application iPad TI-Nspire pour les nuls"
- Une autre analyse sur Cemetech
Hello everybody,
Today is a great day !
Indeed, TI is releasing, this thursday (Feb. 7th, 2013), its TI-Nspire iPad applications (both CAS and non-CAS versions, like the Nspire devices themselves).
It is a great day, as I was saying, since, in fact, TI finally answers (and plays a role in) to the evolution in the education market towards a more digital and mobile world... on platforms getting more and more common, powerful, open to third party applications, connected ...
TI therefore changes to be well integrated with what students and schools begin to use as comprehensive solutions for education, like the iPad (which has on its App Store many educational applications, for example).
We had seen already recently with Steve Arnold (in cooperation with Jim Bauwens), an Nspire-Lua layer for a Javascript Lua interpreter, which is able to run enough Nspire-Lua code in order to launch lua script originally made for the TI-Nspire, and this on any platform powerful enough and capable of running Javascript (so, tablets, for example), but here it's a full native reimplementation of the whole Nspire ecosystem (Calculator, G&G, Spreadsheets, Math Editor...) available on your tablet ! Directly transfer your .tns files up on your iPad, and you'll be able to enjoy your content on a better device with a nicer screen, for instance !
Another good news ? The price for both the CAS and non-CAS version is the same : $29.99 !
No doubt an Android version should be released at some point. Indeed, even if the iPad is still selling well, the sales of Android tablets are catching up with iPad ones, thus following the evolution that has made the iOS smartphones sales lower recently.
EDIT : It is publicly known, for example on Geetha Ram's LinkedIn Profile (she is the "Executive Director, Education Technology Product Development") : "exciting interactive math and science teaching and learning product (TI-Nspire™) on multiple platforms (i.e., PC, MAC, iPads, Android Tablets)"
Press Release text :
Links : (very soon available if not already. TI has temporarily pulled out the app from the Store due to a bug)
- Official website with more details
- TI-Nspire non-CAS iPad application
- TI-Nspire CAS iPad application
- The other iOS apps from TI
- Video tutorials about the app, by Atomic Learning
- The TI-Nspire iPad Application for Dummies
- Another analysis on Cemetech
Today is a great day !
Indeed, TI is releasing, this thursday (Feb. 7th, 2013), its TI-Nspire iPad applications (both CAS and non-CAS versions, like the Nspire devices themselves).
It is a great day, as I was saying, since, in fact, TI finally answers (and plays a role in) to the evolution in the education market towards a more digital and mobile world... on platforms getting more and more common, powerful, open to third party applications, connected ...
TI therefore changes to be well integrated with what students and schools begin to use as comprehensive solutions for education, like the iPad (which has on its App Store many educational applications, for example).
We had seen already recently with Steve Arnold (in cooperation with Jim Bauwens), an Nspire-Lua layer for a Javascript Lua interpreter, which is able to run enough Nspire-Lua code in order to launch lua script originally made for the TI-Nspire, and this on any platform powerful enough and capable of running Javascript (so, tablets, for example), but here it's a full native reimplementation of the whole Nspire ecosystem (Calculator, G&G, Spreadsheets, Math Editor...) available on your tablet ! Directly transfer your .tns files up on your iPad, and you'll be able to enjoy your content on a better device with a nicer screen, for instance !
Another good news ? The price for both the CAS and non-CAS version is the same : $29.99 !
No doubt an Android version should be released at some point. Indeed, even if the iPad is still selling well, the sales of Android tablets are catching up with iPad ones, thus following the evolution that has made the iOS smartphones sales lower recently.
EDIT : It is publicly known, for example on Geetha Ram's LinkedIn Profile (she is the "Executive Director, Education Technology Product Development") : "exciting interactive math and science teaching and learning product (TI-Nspire™) on multiple platforms (i.e., PC, MAC, iPads, Android Tablets)"
Press Release text :
Show/Hide spoilerAfficher/Masquer le spoiler
Texas Instruments unveils breakthrough TI-Nspire Apps for iPad®
TI extends its most powerful graphing technology into apps
that will change the way students visualize, engage and interact with math
Now available on the App Store
DALLAS (February 20, 2013) – Texas Instruments (TI), the most trusted brand in graphing calculator technology, “took a major step forward in our mission to improve student understanding and achievement in mathematics” with the release today of two new innovative apps: TI-Nspire™ App for iPad and TI-Nspire™ CAS App for iPad, said Melendy Lovett, president of Texas Instruments Education Technology.
“The apps fill a critical need for an all-in-one math teaching and learning tool designed specifically for the iPad,” said Lovett. “TI is extending the proven benefits of TI-Nspire technology to the tablet platform. TI’s goals are to provide educators with the most powerful math apps for the iPad and to engage students while helping them reach a deeper conceptual understanding of math. Beyond the new Apps for iPad, TI continues to support teachers by providing world-class professional development, and access to free classroom-ready activities for use with the TI-Nspire Apps for iPad; activities can be integrated seamlessly into curriculum and are available at TI’s Math Nspired website.”
The TI-Nspire Apps for iPad were designed and refined in collaboration with researchers and classroom teachers, including Stephanie Ogden, Dean of Research and Development at L&N STEM Academy in Knoxville, TN, who also teaches Pre-Calculus, AP* Calculus, AP* Statistics and STEM.
“The TI-Nspire Apps for iPad are truly transparent technology, allowing students to touch and interact with math with little awareness of the tool in their hands. Students experience mathematics more directly and they are beyond engaged—they are excited about learning,” Ogden said.
Unique features of the apps, which meet critical curriculum needs from 7th grade through college, include:
- All-in-one functionality for performing calculations in proper math notation; graphing and exploring functions, equations and inequalities; constructing and exploring geometric figures; creating, plotting and analyzing data in lists and spreadsheets.
- Interactive keyboard that toggles between math notation and QWERTY configurations for placing notes and instructions alongside problems.
- Dynamically linked multiple representations of problems that encourage students to make crucial connections by observing how equations change as they touch and interact with shapes, graphs and objects on the screen.
- Familiar operations for creating and saving documents and sharing them using email, iTunes®, and other file sharing options.
- Interaction with the built-in iPad camera interface that enables students to take photos, import them into the app and overlay graphs and equations on them to illustrate abstract math principles in the physical world.
In addition, the TI-Nspire CAS App for iPad has a powerful built-in Computer Algebra System (CAS) which enables students to symbolically solve equations, factor and expand variable expressions, complete the square, find derivatives, compute limits, find exact solutions in irrational form and much more.
TI-Nspire Apps for iPad will be featured in two full days of workshops and break-out sessions at the 2013 T3 International Conference held March 8-10 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The TI-Nspire App for iPad and TI-Nspire CAS App for iPad are available for $29.99 each from the App Store on iPad or at http://www.AppStore.com. Teachers are eligible to receive a free, one-year license of the TI-Nspire and TI-Nspire CAS Teacher Software with purchase of one of the TI-Nspire Apps for iPad. Detailed information about the TI-Nspire Apps for iPad, including a brief video overview, is available at http://education.ti.com/ipad .
About Texas Instruments
Education Technology, a business of Texas Instruments, provides a wide range of tools connecting the classroom experience with real-world applications, helping students and teachers to explore mathematics and science interactively. TI’s products and services are tested vigorously against recognized third-party research, which shows that the effective use of graphing calculators improves the mathematical skills of students and their attitudes toward mathematics. For more information, visit http://www.education.ti.com.
Texas Instruments semiconductor innovations help 90,000 customers unlock the possibilities of the world as it could be – smarter, safer, greener, healthier and more fun. Our commitment to building a better future is ingrained in everything we do – from the responsible manufacturing of our semiconductors, to caring for our employees, to giving back inside our communities. This is just the beginning of our story. Learn more at http://www.ti.com.
Links : (very soon available if not already. TI has temporarily pulled out the app from the Store due to a bug)
- Official website with more details
- TI-Nspire non-CAS iPad application
- TI-Nspire CAS iPad application
- The other iOS apps from TI
- Video tutorials about the app, by Atomic Learning
- The TI-Nspire iPad Application for Dummies
- Another analysis on Cemetech
The Australian App Store already has it available, it's just a question of time for Europe and USA